Watch Now: Climate Depot’s Morano on Fox News discusses ‘the death of a thousand cuts of the manmade global warming movement’ — AGW in ‘utter scientific collapse’
Oh No! Too Much Snow On Kilimanjaro Forces Climbers To Turn Back
Flashback 2006:’s Eric Steig Said That Gore Was Right About Kilimanjaro — What does propagandist Steig say now? Ask him! [email protected]
Flashback 2004 Laugh Riot: Sen John McCain displayed before-and-after Kilimanjaro photos in support of his unsuccessful attempt to pass a global warming bill in the U.S. Senate!
Update: Gore Mum: ‘Snows of Kilimanjaro defy global warming predictions’ ‘Representatives for Al Gore declined to comment’
Physicist loses civility over Gore’s Kilimanjaro claims: ‘That dishonest a##hole can no longer surprise anyone’
Flashback: Gore Wrong on Snows of Kilimanjaro — Dutch study concludes Mount Kilimanjaro’s snow melt is entirely natural
Flashback: UN IPCC’s Ben Santer promotes climate fears to kids in video which INCORRECTLY claims Mt. Kilimanjaro melting due to global warming!
Another Global Warming Icon Bites The Dust! ‘Snow slowly building on Mount Kilimanjaro’ — ‘May not lose its beautiful ice cap as scientists predicted’