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Young Audiences Question Climate Alarmism, Prompting Calls To Censor Content – Study reveals a significant increase in climate skepticism on YouTube By Tom Ozimek via The Epoch Times A recent study has revealed significant skepticism among young audiences regarding climate alarmism, a development that poses a challenge to advocates of urgent climate action but is likely to be welcomed by those who see stoking fear about the supposed ills of global warming as exaggerated. The study […]

Analysis: ‘Hottest year ever’ temperature claims based on ‘extensive adjustments by computer algorithms’

Francis Menton of the Manhattan Contrarian: Global surface temperatures, as measured by NOAA and NASA, had decreased somewhat from 2020 highs, bringing about a hiatus in the otherwise endless drumbeat of propaganda from those agencies claiming “hottest month ever” or “hottest year ever.” But then a strong El Niño early last year induced a small temperature increase several months later, picked up by the NOAA/NASA thermometer network. 

The data on which these claims are based have been subject to extensive adjustments by computer algorithms, in every case to lower the temperatures in the earlier years and raise the temperatures in the later years — thus introducing an artificial warming trend that does not exist in the original records.

WashPost Repeats Claim Global Warming Causing Alaska Snowstorms By Joseph Vazquez The climate fanatics at The Washington Post treated an old oxymoronic article claiming that man-made global warming causing more Alaska blizzards as front-page news. The Post took its Dec. 16, 2023, eco-propaganda headlined, “As Alaska’s climate gets wetter, snowstorms put the homeless in peril,” and plastered it onto the front page of the Jan. 8 […]

Your gas car, your meat & now — your houseplants?! Wash Post: ‘Indoor houseplants come with a cost to the planet’ – ‘Trucks that transport plants spew carbon emissions…& synthetic fertilizers are made from petroleum’

Washinton Post: “Greening indoor spaces can also come at an environmental cost. The trucks that transport plants spew carbon emissions, plastic pots, and synthetic fertilizers are made from petroleum and the harvesting of soil components like peat can tear up slow-forming habitats. …

“A lot of major nursery suppliers are located in Florida and in California,” Susan Pell, the director of the U.S. Botanic Garden in Washington, D.C., said. Depending on where you live, that can be a long way for a plant to travel in the back of a truck — and a lot of carbon emitted along the way.

Sustainable soils: One of the least sustainable soil components is peat, a rich brown substance formed from partially decayed plant matter at the bottom of bogs and other wetlands….But peat, which is a precursor to the formation of coal, releases carbon dioxide when it is harvested — and it’s not easily renewable.

Pell has a few tips for minimizing the environmental harm of indoor gardening…also recommends cutting down on petroleum-based fertilizers, which create carbon emissions during their production.

AP Again Accepts Funding From Climate-activist Group – AP issues bought & paid for ‘propaganda disguised as news’  by James Murphy The KR Foundation leaves little doubt where it stands on the issue of climate change. On its website, the group states that its raison d’être is to “address the climate crisis by pushing for a rapid phase-out of fossil fuels at a global level. In line with the Paris climate agreement, as signed by governments, and […]

The New York Times once again predicts ‘The End of Snow’ due to global warming!

2024: New York Times Predicts ‘The End of Snow’ Again! Flashback 2014: New York Times predicts the end of snow!  Flashback: Despite ‘End of Snow’ Predictions by The New York Times, Ski Resorts are Booming – By Meteorologist Anthony Watts Flashback 2000: ‘Snowfalls are now just a thing of the past’ – ‘Children just aren’t […]

Watch: Morano on Fox & Friends on ‘nature rights’ & ‘personhood’ for land, rivers & trees: ‘Humans are going to be reduced to the level of a rock, a river, or a plant’

Fox and Friends – Fox News Channel – Broadcast December 14, 2023 

Morano on ‘nature rights’: “The Financial Times reported essentially about white-wealthy Western nations buying up land in Africa as ‘carbon offsets.’ So you have at least five African nations where 20% of their land is locked up. They can’t develop it based on some sort of sense of preserving nature rights.” See: Climate Colonialism: ‘The looming land grab in Africa for carbon credits’ – Western carbon offset companies look to lock up ‘a tenth of Liberia’s land mass, a fifth of Zimbabwe’s, & swaths of Kenya, Zambia & Tanzania’

Morano: “We all want a clean, healthy environment. But what they’ve done here is now giving voice to rivers, trees, and land, and obviously, they can’t speak for themselves. So, where is their voice coming from? It’s coming from self-important, self-appointed bureaucrats and activists who will speak on behalf of these inanimate objects.”

Morano on proposed jail time for using gas leaf blowers: “What’s next? Are they going to start threatening people with jail if you fly on a plane too many times? Because CNN is already promoting carbon passports so you can fly only a limited number of times. Are you going to jail if you drive a car that’s gas-powered? I mean, that’s where we’re headed.”

Watch Morano on Fox & Friends Live from Dubai: COP28 is about the UN ‘gaining more control so we don’t have a say in our democracy & our lives — from freedom of movement, to food, to energy’

  Marc Morano Appears on ‘Fox and Friends’ To Discuss UN COP28 Climate Summit Live from Dubai Broadcast December 3, 2023 –  Morano: ‘COP28 climate summit is immoral’ – VP Harris pushing UN climate fund will prevent ‘development & fossil fuel energy in the poorest countries’ RUSH TRANSCRIPT: >> Today I’m proud to announce a […]

BBC features ‘the young activists changing the skeptics’ minds’ – Young people ‘trying to change the minds of those who wrongly claim climate change is not real’ The Young Activists Who Fill Children’s Heads With LiesNOT A LOT OF PEOPLE KNOW THAT / by Paul Homewood / December 03, 2023 I’m not quite sure why this is on BBC Verify! As global leaders gather at the COP28 summit in Dubai, environmental activists around the world are still challenging climate sceptics. Young […]

NYT casts wealthy couple who spent $7 million on building an oceanfront (2nd) home as environmental activists. Can’t make it up. By ALEX BERENSON Everything you hate about climate change virtue signaling in the most absurd story you’ll read this year You’re gonna want to read this one on an empty stomach. Twenty-six times a year, The New York Times shows its commitment to the environment by offering readers “Living Small.” No, Living Small isn’t […]