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Blizzard blamed on ‘global warming’ – Bill McKibben: Blizzards are ‘Climate change at work’ – NY Gov.: ‘Part of the changing climate’

Climate activist Bill McKibben, who was key organizer of the NYC climate march in September 2014,  wasted no time in blaming the massive blizzard bearing down on the Northeast on ‘global warming.’ McKibben tweeted on Monday: McKibben: ‘5 0f 10 worst blizzards in NYC in last ten years, 0.2% chance that’s chance. Climate change at work’ […]

The Breathless Hypocrisy Driving Energy ‘Divestment’

Consider also one central dimension of what it means to be human: the application of intelligence to overcome the obstacles that define life outside the Garden of Eden. From backbreaking toil by hand, to the use of animals and tools, to the evolution of energy from wood to whale oil to coal to oil and […]

People’s climate march wants to change the system, not the weather

People’s climate march wants to change the system, not the weather Marita Noon shatters any illusion that the New York Climate March was about anything other than destroying the capitalist system and replacing it with a totalitarian, top-down socialist state. As one commenter said, “These people are defined by what they hate, and a […]