UNESCO: Prosecute Climate Criminals – ‘Climate crimes must be brought to justice’ during trials at International Criminal Court- ‘The damage that climate deniers do is heinous’

https://nofrakkingconsensus.com/2020/02/24/unesco-prosecute-climate-criminals/ By Donna Laframboise click to read the full article UNESCO’s 2019 climate-themed magazine includes an article titled Climate crimes must be brought to justice. It may as well have been called Off With Their Heads! (UNESCO – The United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization)  Writer Catriona McKinnon, a professor of political theory at the University of Exeter, […]

Activists demand Catholic TV network ban ‘climate deniers’ from programming – Following Morano debate with Envrio lobbyist

Global warming activists are applying pressure to EWTN, the global Catholic Television network to stop broadcasting the views of climate skeptics. The left-leaning ‘social justice’ group, Faithful America, has started a petition to EWTN (Eternal World Television Network) to ban what they term ‘climate deniers’ from the network. (Note: The movement to ban skeptics from […]

Dissent Will Not Be Tolerated: Obama Science Czar John Holdren Smears Prof. Pielke Jr. For Daring to Challenge Extreme Weather Claims – Pielke Accuses Holdren of ‘seeking to delegitimize a colleague’

  Pielke Jr. To Holdren: ‘Your characterization of my views as lying “outside the scientific mainstream” is odd because the views that I expressed in my testimony are entirely consonant with those of the IPCC (2012, 2013) and those of the US government’s USGCRP.  Indeed, much of my testimony involved reviewing the recent findings of […]