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Newsweek: It’s So Cold in Texas That Trees Are Exploding, Sounding ‘Like Gunshots’ Newsweek reports that an “arctic cold front in north Texas lowered temperatures to a point that caused trees to explode, prompting residents to compare the resulting noises to “gunshots.” “We listened to them all night. Sounds like gunshots going off,” recounted one resident. Trees exploding from cold is a not unknown phenomenon.  Freezing causes sap to […]

Earth cools in 2022 to just 0.1C above the 1979-2000 average Policy Based Evidence Making by tonyheller According to the European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts, earth has warmed 1.21C since the 1970s. Global temperature trend monitor Satellites show very little warming during that period. UAH Global Temperature Update for January, 2022: +0.03 deg. C. « Roy Spencer, PhD Earth is a terrifying 0.1C above the […]

All datasets including NASA GISS, UK Met Office & RSS, UAH satellites, show global temperatures declining since 2016 – Warmists spin to conceal cooling temps in 2021 Climate Alarmists Conceal Global Temperature Anomaly Measurement Declines Despite Increasing Atmospheric CO2 by Larry Hamlin NOAA published its global climate report for year end 2021 highlighting that its global temperature anomaly measurements showed 2021 being the sixth highest of its recorded measurements. NOAA’s global annual measurement for 2021 was 0.84 degrees C. NOAA chose to emphasize that the annual […]

The Bureau of Meteorology ‘remodels’ Australia’s temperatures from 1913 to make them colder — thus increasing the warming trend of last century Surprisingly, the World War I era temperatures are still changing. Mornings that seemed nippy at the time are now susceptible to frosts. Someone should warn the farmers — except they’re all dead. Thanks to Chris Gillham for independently and laboriously going through the new unannounced changes in another cycle of BOM’s hidden revamp of Australia’s history. […]

The end is always nigh: We have an ‘unhealthy emotional dependency on doom for a sense of purpose’ By Lionel Shriver   Typically for my generation, I woke repeatedly as a kid with my pajamas soaked in sweat because I’d had yet another nightmare about nuclear war. While I rarely dream about mushroom clouds any more, a dark cloud of one shape or another has dogged me like a sooty, vaporous stray […]

‘Global warming’ has saved 500,000 lives in England & Wales in the last 20 years – ‘Cold temperature deaths greatly outnumbers deaths associated with warm temperatures’

Global warming has saved 500,000 lives in England and Wales in the last 20 years  Office of National Statistics, 17 January 2022 Climate-related mortality and hospital admissions, England and Wales: 2001 to 2020 […] Over a 20-year period the estimated change in deaths associated with warm or cold temperature was a net decrease of 555,103, […]

No ‘Day After Tomorrow’… German Oceanographer Sees No Reliable Trend Suggesting Slowdown In Atlantic Gulf Stream By P Gosselin Scientists say there’s just too little data available to suggest the Gulf Stream is slowing down, and there won’t be in the next five years.  Die kalte Sonne looked at the Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation, the system of surface and deep currents in the Atlantic Ocean that – among other things – transports […]

More Evidence: Glaciers Existing Today Were Absent For Nearly All Of The Last 10,000 Years By Kenneth Richard The cryosphere is failing to cooperate with the anthropogenic global warming narrative that says rising greenhouse gas emissions should be catastrophically melting Arctic ice. Scientists (O’Regan et al., 2021) report Ryder Glacier in north Greenland has advanced 2,881 m from 1948-2015 given its advancing rate of 43 m/yr-1. Its modern ice extent […]

Watch: The 1970s Cooling Scare Was Real

Watch this historical record of predictions for global cooling in the 1970s and compare it with the apocalyptic predictions of warming today. The Emperor has no clothes. We are in the Pleistocene Ice Age. The 1970s Cooling Scare Was Real via @YouTube — Patrick Moore (@EcoSenseNow) December 22, 2021  

Meteorologist Joe Bastardi: ‘The US is likely to get very cold’ this winter Eisenhower had His warning — Reagan, and Trump theirs By Joe Bastardi  By mid-January, when the left is weaponizing the cold that may be occurring globally, Ronald Reagan and then Donald Trump’s message about European reliance on  Russia for Energy will come front and center.    I don’t know if it will go down […]