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‘It’s finished!’: IEA boss Faith Birol says COP28 bid farewell to fossil fuels – ‘200 countries have signed a document to say goodbye to fossil fuels’

‘It’s finished!’: IEA boss says COP28 bid farewell to fossil fuels –

International Energy Agency chief Fatih Birol: “Two hundred countries have signed a document to say goodbye to fossil fuels. The direction of travel is extremely clear. There is no way to change it now. Too late, it’s finished!”

UN climate summit “gave an unmistakable signal to investors that if you continue to invest in fossil fuels you may well have serious business risks…”

Congress Spent $7.5 Billion on E.V. Chargers. After 2 Years, None Are Built

Congress Spent $7.5 Billion on E.V. Chargers. After 2 Years, None Are Built. By JOE LANCASTER More than $2 billion has been distributed, but only two states have even broken ground and most states haven’t even submitted proposals. President Joe Biden has made a transition to electric vehicles (E.V.s) a key part of his presidency, […]

Bezos-funded scientists issue dire climate ‘tipping point’ warning, say to phase out fossil fuels – Billionaire-funded report warns of ‘catastrophic’ consequences if global warming remains at greater than 2.7 degrees F The Earth is careening toward disaster in the next decade as global warming triggers irreversible planetary changes, scientists warn in a new alarmist report. In the new “Global Tipping Points 2023” report, Professor Tim Lenton of the University of Exeter and his team of 200 worldwide researchers identify five natural systems currently at risk […]

VP Kamala Harris announces new $3 billion US pledge to ‘global climate action’ at UN Dubai summit to help developing nations ‘cut fossil fuel pollution’ By Kyle Feldscher and Ella Nilsen, CNN CNN — Vice President Kamala Harris announced new funding for climate action on Saturday at the COP28 summit in Dubai, where she touted American leadership on the climate crisis, including its recent investments in clean energy and efforts to make vulnerable communities more resilient to worsening climate disasters. Harris said the US would […]

The Climate Corps At The Berkeley California-China Climate Institute

Who Controls The Climate Corps At The Berkeley California-China Climate Institute? by Conor Coughlin How can the USA enforce any Uniform Commercial Code when organizations like the Berkeley California-China Climate Institute can create their own Climate Corps® as part of a Global Alliance of Universities on Climate economic model? Corporate media suppressed that in 2019, former California governor Jerry “Moonbeam” […]

Ford dramatically scales back EV plant amid plummeting sales in blow to Biden’s green energy goals – ‘This deal was a disaster from the start’ U.S. automaker Ford Motor Company is dramatically scaling back an electric vehicle (EV) battery plant under construction in Michigan as its EV business continues to lose billions of dollars. In an announcement Tuesday, Ford said it would resume the Marshall, Michigan, project, but reduce its scope by more than 40% and the number of jobs it is […]

Offshore wind energy is sinking like a stone By Craig Rucker With respect to energy policy, President Biden has been nothing but consistent. From day one, he set out to end fossil fuel use in America and replace it with wind and solar power — even if green energy drives up costs and fails to deliver reliable electricity when needed. One of […]

REPORT: It’s time for hospitals to join fight against global warming – Urges ‘hospital emissions mitigation’ & ‘reducing GHG emissions from anesthetic gases’ By Shana Christrup, G. William Hoagland, Gabriel Loud, Marilyn Werber Serafini, Kendall Strong Nov 07, 2023 Report Executive Summary Climate change’s toll on human health is undisputed: Cardiovascular diseases, respiratory illnesses, liver diseases, diabetes, preterm births, and behavioral health issues have all been associated with the presence of extreme temperatures.[i],[ii],[iii],[iv],[v],[vi],[vii],[viii] Children, older Americans, and low-income communities remain especially […]

Watch: Morano on Fox News: ‘This is a good development’ that California can’t spend massive influx of ‘federal climate cash’ to ‘advance climate action’ – Plus Google’s EV bus crash

Fox News – The Bottom Line – w/ Dagen & Duffy – Broadcast November 9, 2023 

Report: California needs more staff to “capitalize on the historic influx of federal climate cash” – University of California, Berkeley’s Center for Law, Energy, & the Environment report:

Morano: “They need more money because they don’t have enough people to spend the money. This is the actual report from Berkeley Center for Law and Environment, it actually calls it ‘federal climate cash’ — like get your hands on ‘climate cash’.

This reminded me of the TV show Breaking Bad. There was a scene when the drug dealer finally has so much money in his storage shed that he literally can’t spend it, and he doesn’t know what to do with it. It’s just piles of cash.

Scene from Breaking Bad TV show – Season 5 – ‘How Much is Enough?’

Morano: “We’ve reached peak insanity now in the United States with the climate agenda led by California. This federal climate cash is sitting in the state with nowhere to go, no one to spend it, and here’s the thing as weird as it is, this is a good thing, right? Because the last thing you want to do is spend the money because they’ve already said they’re going look for ways to reduce emissions to meet the governor’s ‘climate neutrality’ Net Zero rule. And if they do that, it’s going to make Californians even poorer and pay for more expensive energy. So this is a good development, you don’t want them to spend it. Let the money pile up just like in the TV show with nowhere to be spent because spending it impoverishes Californians.”