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Like Biden, Kamala Harris Has Endorsed A Complete Fracking Ban – Harris: ‘There is no question I’m in favor of banning fracking’ Like Biden, Kamala Harris Has Endorsed A Complete Fracking Ban Climate Change Dispatch / by David Rutz / 1d Though Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden promised Monday that he would not ban fracking, his running mate Kamala Harris emphatically supported banning fracking during her failed presidential campaign. “There is no question I’m in favor […]

Biden Says He’s Not Banning Fracking Months After Promising To Stop All New Fracking Projects Reposted from The Daily Caller CHRIS WHITE TECH REPORTER August 31, 2020 Former Vice President Joe Biden said Monday during a campaign stop in Pennsylvania that he has no intention of “banning fracking.” Shale gas drilling rig on a field. “I am not banning fracking. Let me say that again: I am not banning […]

Flashback: Kamala Harris sued Obama-Biden over fracking

Fracking is history under Biden-Harris. Adios cheap gas, energy independence and energy dominance. via @EENewsUpdates — Steve Milloy (@JunkScience) August 13, 2020 That time Kamala Harris sued Obama-Biden over fracking Adam Aton, E&E News  Kamala Harris is seen touring the site of an oil spill in California as attorney general in 2015. Joe Biden’s […]

Trump vs Biden: Deep Split Over Future Of US Shale Gas Trump vs Biden: Deep Split Over Future Of US Shale Gas The Global Warming Policy Forum (GWPF) / by bennypeiser / Gone are the days when US policymakers broadly agreed on the role of natural gas as a “bridge” to a low-carbon future. As the 2020 US presidential race proves, the partisan divide on […]

Kamala’s Anti-Fracking Stance Is Biden’s Albatross In Swing States Kamala’s Anti-Fracking Stance Is Biden’s Albatross In Swing States Climate Change Dispatch / by Jennifer A Dlouhy / 2h Less than two hours after Kamala Harris was named Joe Biden’s running mate, President Donald Trump had cast the California Democrat as the oil industry and fracking foe. “She is against fracking. She’s against petroleum […]

Biden’s Green Dreams Are About Controlling You, Not The Climate – His Green New Deal will NOT improve the environment; ‘it will only decrease your standard of living’ By Steve Milloy In his $2 trillion climate change proposal this month, Joe Biden promised, whether he knows it or not, to entirely decarbonize America if elected president. As the candidate touted false promises of a green paradise, however, he failed to describe what his nonsense agenda would require Americans to sacrifice. Before detailing what decarbonizing […]

Canceled: America’s energy dominance – ‘Cancel culture coming’ for American energy Steve Milloy’s column at (Web | PDF). By Steve Milloy Three major oil and gas pipelines have been scuttled or delayed this month. Is cancel culture coming for America’s newfound energy dominance? Recently, Virginia and North Carolina utilities threw in the towel on the Atlantic Coast Pipeline, which would have brought fracked natural gas from West Virginia […]

Democrats’ New Climate Plan Will Kill Endangered Species, Environmentalists Fear – ‘Wind turbines kill big, threatened, slow-to-reproduce species like hawks, eagles, owls, & condors’ 

Democrats’ New Climate Plan Will Kill Endangered Species, Environmentalists Fear – "Supergrid" threatens Whooping Cranes in Sand Hills – Wind industry threatens 7 native Hawaiian birds – Lake Erie wind project threatens migratory birds Please share! — Michael Shellenberger (@shellenberger) June 30, 2020 By Michael Shellenberger Congressional Democrats today unveil a “Climate Crisis Action Plan” similar […]

Joe Biden is now ‘married to the Green New Deal’ – AOC, Sunrise Movement & ‘climate justice’ join campaign

Sleepy Joe has married the #GreenNewDeal. If allowed to honeymoon, the couple will bring an end to fracking, national security and your standard of living. via @WSJ — Steve Milloy (@JunkScience) May 21, 2020 By Karl Rove Before Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez agreed to be a co-chairman of the climate task force, she consulted […]

New York Sits On A Natural-Gas Gold Mine They Refuse To Tap by Kevin Mooney New York Democrats who are asking Congress to supply them with what is widely described as a “coronavirus bailout” would be in a stronger economic and political position today if they took advantage of their state’s natural resources. Unlike neighboring Pennsylvania, New York has banned the use of hydraulic fracturing that can be […]