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Flashback 2007: Inhofe Spokesman Morano: ‘CO2 is not an air pollutant and should not be treated as one’ Global Warming Ruling Called ‘Victory for the Bad Guys’By Melanie Hunter and Monisha Bansal Senior Editor and Staff Writer April 02, 2007 ( – Global warming skeptics reacted strongly Monday to a Supreme Court ruling that the Environmental Protection Agency has the power to regulate carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions from cars, calling the […]

All Eyes on SCOTUS: Supreme Court to Issue Climate Endangerment Finding Ruling – To Decide if EPA has authority to regulate CO2 or Congress BY WEATHERBOY TEAM METEOROLOGIST On the very last day of court opinions being issued in their current session, the U.S. Supreme Court is expected to issue a new climate change related ruling, bringing an end to a string of high-profile cases announced in recent days. The case before the U.S. Supreme Court is West […]