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Morano & Bongino Slam John Kerry Vowing to Use ‘COVID Template’ to Fight Climate Change By Jeffrey Clark Climate Depot founder Marc Morano and Fox News host Dan Bongino slammed U.S. climate czar John Kerry’s “suicidal, climate change, global warming rollout” on Saturday after he boasted to world leaders that his climate scheme would be similar to COVID-19 restrictions. “We modeled it somewhat on the experience of what happened […]

The new climate skeptics?! US & EU refuse to commit to climate reparations at Egypt summit The new climate skeptics US and EU refuse to commit to climate loss and damages reparations 1) US and EU refuse to commit to climate reparations that would leave them legally exposed to endless compensation demands  AFP, 16 November 2022 2) Rich nations are trying to hit pause on climate reparations demands CNN, 16 November 2022 3) China tell COP27: […]

Climate activists smash tablets atop ‘Mount Sinai’ in Egypt during UN climate summit to launch faith-based climate push By SUE SURKES JEBEL MUSA, Egypt — An initiative to mobilize faith leaders worldwide to push governments to do more about climate change kicked off Sunday morning with an Israeli environmental activist smashing mock tablets of stone atop an Egyptian peak believed by many to be Mount Sinai, to symbolize the world’s failure to protect […]

At Climate Summit, Elites Chow Down on Gourmet Meats While Telling Us to Eat Bugs BY ROBERT SPENCER George Carlin said it years ago: “It’s a big club, and you ain’t in it. You and I are not in the big club. And by the way, it’s the same big club they use to beat you over the head with all day long when they tell you what to believe. All day […]

Pledge to limit global warming to 1.5°C could be dropped ENTIRELY from COP27 treaty amid pressure from China The historic pledge to limit global warming to 1.5°C (2.7°F) could be abandoned  First drafts of the COP27 pact are expected to be issued tonight But the promise that the Earth will not be allowed to warm by more than 1.5°C (2.7°F) could be dropped, with China pushing for the wording to be dropped […]

Media Matters attacks again! Denounces Morano for his UN climate reports – ‘Fox News platforms climate denial and the Great Reset conspiracy theory’ Fox News platforms climate denial and the Great Reset conspiracy theory during COP27 WRITTEN BY TED MACDONALD PUBLISHED 11/14/22 4:05 PM EST During the final weekend of the 2022 United Nations Climate Change Conference, known as COP27, two Fox News programs invited longtime climate denier Marc Morano to discuss the conference and link it to a […]

Climate reparations? UN summit releases draft plan for climate damage fund By Ben Whedon As international representatives meet for the United Nations’ COP27 climate summit, a draft agreement is circulating among them that includes a plan to establish a fund to compensate countries for damages incurred due to climate change. The plan would start a two-year implementation process and prepare a funding plan that may include a U.N.-operated […]

Watch: Morano on Fox & Friends talks UN climate summit & development: They claim Africa ‘can’t make same mistakes we did with fossil fuels. What mistakes? Long life, lower infant mortality, prosperity?!’

Marc Morano Appears on ‘Fox and Friends’ To Discuss Biden’s Climate Agenda – Fox News Channel – Broadcast November 13, 2022  Rachel Campos-Duffy: President Joe Biden pledging $150 million to advance Africa’s resilience to climate change. This, despite 146 million people across the country going hungry. publisher, and author of the Great Reset, Global […]

Watch: Morano on Fox News’ Dan Bongino reveals the ‘UN climate/Great Reset summit’ in Egypt where COVID & Climate Merge & ‘Democracy goes to die’

CLIMATE CZAR KERRY claims the Biden admin’s new ‘green’ agenda will be rolled out JUST LIKE the Covid vaccine@MarcMorano joins @dbongino from the UN Summit in Egypt to SLAM this climate “emergency” as the ~new authoritarianism~ and the major corporations behind it — Unfiltered with Dan Bongino (@UnfilteredOnFox) November 13, 2022 Unfiltered with Dan […]