Wash Post’s Chris Mooney’s claims called ‘nonsense’ – Claimed Surprisingly Strong Link Between Climate Change And Violence
56 Studies Confirm: Global warming to increase road rage & fights at baseball games! Is WaPo’s Chris Mooney serious?! Is Mooney serious? Includes charts on ‘retaliatory beanballs’ by MLB pitchers! ‘There’s a surprisingly strong link between climate change and violence’
It is important to emphasize the strength of this conclusion: It emerges from multiple studies, the vast majority of which point to the same takeaway conclusion. For example, across 19 studies, Burke and his colleagues found 24 separate estimates of the relationship between temperature changes and various kinds of conflict outcomes, and in every case, that relationship […]
Lightning Strike Causes Religious Conversion: ‘One Meteorologist’s Come-to-Jesus Moment on Climate Change’: ‘Like many TV weathermen, Stu Ostro didn’t believe in climate change—until extreme weather and scientific evidence changed his mind’
Chris Mooney’s Chartsmanship in the Service of Alarmism: Mooney engages in ‘raw, pure, visceral alarmism’ with claim ‘Humans Have Already Set in Motion 69 Feet of Sea Level Rise’
Clueless warmist Chris Mooney thinks Americans might get all excited about latest scary fed climate propaganda report, even though they’ve yawned at very similar propaganda for decades
Columbia Journalism Review: From the EPA to NASA, the FDA to OSHA, President Obama has failed to make science accessible
Warmist Chris Mooney: ‘The Science of Fox News: Why Its Viewers are the Most Misinformed’: ‘Authoritarian people have a stronger emotional need for an outlet like Fox’