Billionaire Tom Steyer Considering Run for Retiring Senator Boxer’s Seat

Tom Steyer Considering Run for Retiring Senator Boxer’s Seat It’s still early but a bombshell was dropped into the 2016 U.S. Senate races yesterday…The post Tom Steyer Considering Run for Retiring Senator Boxer’s Seat appeared first on EcoWatch. — gReader Pro

Watch Now: Morano on Fox slams ‘atrocious’ climate report by Tom Steyer, Paulson & Bloomberg. Morano on ‘risky business’ report: ‘What they have done is a bunch of fortune telling with models’

Related Links:  Billionaire Obama adviser Tom Steyer: Punish companies that ignore climate change – The hammer should come down: “We need to reward people whose behavior reduces climate risk and penalize people who add to it,” said Thomas Steyer, a former hedge fund manager and environmentalist who is a major player and funder of climate change […]