Outed by FOIA – EPA strategy memo reveals deep flaws in the integrity of the agency, and lack of integrity of the press

Outed by FOIA – EPA strategy memo reveals deep flaws in the integrity of the agency, and lack of integrity of the press http://wattsupwiththat.com/2015/01/26/outed-by-foia-epa-strategy-memo-reveals-deep-flaws-in-the-integrity-of-the-agency-and-lack-of-integrity-of-the-press Attorney Chris Horner writes in with this bombshell which shows how “evangelism” has replaced factual analysis at the EPA, which is helped along by a compliant mass media. See the attached […]

State Dept. to Disney: Use ‘Frozen’ to teach kids about climate change

http://blog.sfgate.com/hottopics/2015/01/23/state-dept-to-disney-use-frozen-to-teach-kids-about-climate-change/ State Department’s Admiral Robert Papp, who heads up everything about the Arctic, recently spoke at the Arctic Frontiers conference in Norway where he unveiled the fact that he had approached Disney about creating a spin-off cartoon with the characters from Frozen to teach kids about climate change