Forget The Russians! NATO To Combat Climate Change! – ‘An exercise in virtue signalling’ By Paul Homewood Now NATO want to fight climate change! Growing up in Norway, I learnt in school that temperatures in Svalbard, arctic home of the polar bear, would hardly ever rise above freezing. But this year, thermostats in Svalbard reached a record 21.7 degrees. And this is just the latest peak in a […]

Extreme Weather Expert: ‘World is presently in an era of unusually low weather disasters’

Via: Weather-related Natural Disasters: Should we be concerned about a reversion to the mean? by Risk Frontiers Professor Roger Pielke Jr (University of Colorado Boulder) Roger is a long-term Research Fellow of Risk Frontiers and recently it was our pleasure to be able to host him, once again, in Sydney. During this visit, we were rewarded […]