Antarctic Sea Ice Volume Greater Than The Early 1980s

Antarctic Sea Ice Volume Greater Than The Early 1980s By Paul Homewood There was much scaremongering from the alarmist community when Antarctic sea ice extent fell earlier in the year. As the Antarctic summer begins, the melt has slowed down, to the extent that extent is not even the lowest since 1979, and it is higher […]

Analysis: Antarctic sea ice extent ‘record low’ due to ‘wind patterns’ – ‘Sea ice is actually thicker than normal’ as ‘the ice edge’ being ‘squeezed closer together’ – Sea ice volume ‘is NOT lowest on record’ Antarctic Sea Ice Volume JULY 28, 2023 By Paul Homewood h/t Euan Mearns As we know, Antarctic sea ice extent has been at record lows recently: # Paul Homewood: As I surmised yesterday, the ice retreat may be due to wind patterns, which blow the ice towards the pole. This is something which often […]

Polar Ice Surprises! Svalbard Well Over Average, Arctic Ice Remains Steady, Antarctic Ice Growing By P Gosselin Polar ice showing longer term stability. No basis for behind claims of a rapid melt.  By Kirye and Pierre Gosselin We keep hearing how the ice at the poles is supposedly disappearing rapidly, yet a look at the latest data show this is not the case. Polar ice has remained steady for […]

Remains of ancient life discovered beneath Antarctic lake ice…undisturbed for thousands of years…covered by a 1,067 metre thick sheet of ice

Remains of ancient life discovered beneath Antarctic lake ice… Remains of ancient life found beneath Antarctic ice Researchers say they have discovered the remains of ancient life, undisturbed for thousands of years, buried below the ice of an Antarctic lake. According to a press release by scientific journal Nature, the Subglacial Antarctic Lakes Scientific […]

Scam? Ice Isn’t Melting As Predicted At The Poles, Yet Big Insurance Hikes On Coastal Properties Loom!

Scam? Ice Isn’t Melting As Predicted At The Poles, Yet Big Insurance Hikes On Coastal Properties Loom! NoTricksZone: Not here to worship what is known, but to question it … Scam? Ice Isn’t Melting As Predicted At The Poles, Yet Big Insurance Hikes On Coastal Properties Loom! by P Gosselin / Today, 05:07 By […]

Warming Causes Cooling?! Study: ‘Melting Sea Ice May Help Cool The Planet’ – By releasing ‘particles that deflect sunlight’

Melting Sea Ice May Help Cool The Planet The Australian, 18 August 2017 By John Ross Melting sea ice could help cool the planet by flooding the atmosphere with particles that deflect sunlight. Australian research suggests climate modellers have under­estimated a natural “thermostat” that helps alleviate the rise in temperatures: immense quantities of reflective compounds, […]


Date: 15/05/17 Craig D. Idso and Pat Michaels, The Commentator Despite a 20 percent increase in atmospheric CO2, and model predictions to the contrary, sea ice in the Antarctic has expanded for decades. Such observations are in direct opposition to the model-based predictions of the IPCC. This should give pause for thought about climate alarmism […]

Global sea ice expands to 10-year high – Most ice since 2004

Via: July 25 2014 – Global Sea Ice Highest On This Day For Last 10 Years Filed under: Global Sea Ice,Global Sea Ice Extent — sunshinehours1 @ 11:57 AM The last time global sea ice was higher than it is on day 205 was way back in 2004. Global Sea Ice Extent is 14,000 sq km above the 1981-2010 […]