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Activists Rejoice: ‘The Pressure Is Working’: Biden Weighs Climate Emergency Declaration By JESSICA CORBETT The youth-led Sunrise Movement on Thursday celebrated Bloombergreporting that “White House officials have renewed discussions about potentially declaring a national climate emergency.” The Wednesday revelation came just two days after six young activists were arrested outside Vice President Kamala Harris’ Los Angeles, California home to increase pressure on the Biden administration to make such a declaration, which […]

Astrophysicist Warns About the Coming Little Ice Age: ‘It’s Already Started’

The Astrophysicist Warning About the Coming Little Ice Age: “It’s Already Started” BY HANNES SARV “CO2 is not a bad gas,” says Valentina Zharkova, a Professor at the Northumbria University in Newcastle, U.K. On the contrary, she points out, every garden centre uses it in its greenhouses to make plants lush and green. “We actually have a […]

Germany Electric Car Sales Plummet 30% As Country Floats Idea Of Weekend Driving Ban! By P Gosselin on 13. April 2024 There’s been a drastic drop in the registration of new electric cars in Germany as sales of the “clean” electric cars have slumped nearly 30% compared to a year earlier, reports Germany’s online Blackout News here. Also: Germany’s transportation minister, Dr. Volker Wissing, threatens weekend driving ban […]

Climate Cooking: ‘How a few billionaires (Steyer, Bloomberg & Paulson) helped push climate science to the extremes’ By Roger Pielke Jr.: Excerpt: At the center of the corruption of climate science discussed here sits a highly technical scenario of the future called Representation Concentration Pathway 8.5 or RCP8.5. Longtime readers of THB will no doubt be familiar with RCP8.5 and its consequences, but for anyone needing a quick primer, have a […]

UN vs. UN: UN climate chief declares humans have ‘two years to save the world’ – But UN scientist rubbishes UN claim as ‘meaningless rhetoric’ & ‘counterproductive’


United Nations executive climate secretary Simon Stiell: “Who exactly has two years to save the world? The answer is every person on this planet,” Stiell said.

“‘Two years to save the world’ is meaningless rhetoric — at best, it’s likely to be ignored, at worst, it will be counterproductive,” said Princeton University climate scientist Michael Oppenheimer, who is also a professor of international affairs. [Note: Oppenheimer has also served as UN IPCC Coordinating Lead Author.]


Earth ‘serially doomed’: The official history of climate ‘Tipping Points’ began in 1864 – A new ‘global warming’ 12-year deadline from Rep. Ocasio-Cortez

George Perkins Marsh in his 1864 book: Man and Nature” – published in 1864: “The earth is fast becoming an unfit home for its noblest inhabitant, and another era of equal human crime and human improvidence … would reduce it to such a condition of impoverished productiveness, of shattered surface, of climatic excess, as to threaten the depravation, barbarism, and perhaps even extinction of the species.”
George Perkins Marsh

George Perkins Marsh

Watch: John Stossel: Plastic recycling is a DIRTY LIE

Plastic recycling is a DIRTY LIE. So why do so many green activists push it? “I think they get a charge out of telling people what to do,” @JohnTierneyNYC tells me. More than ever… recycling is garbage. — John Stossel (@JohnStossel) April 8, 2024

African nation becomes ‘first country’ to outlaw entry of gas cars!  EVs only! Ethiopia announces plans to ban import of gas-powered vehicles ‘to reduce its output of planet-warming pollution’ — But only 54% of people have ‘access to electricity’ By Kaiyo FunakiApril 6, 2024 Ethiopia announced earlier this year its plan to ban the import of all non-electric automobiles, becoming the first country to outlaw the entry of internal combustion engine vehicles. Electrek noted that specifics were scant but that the resolution served as a win for the nation’s environmental impact and economy. […]

Watch: Morano on Hannity on Fox News: Biden’s green energy transition is ‘magical thinking from beginning to end’

Hannity – Fox News Channel – Broadcast April 5, 2024 

Sean Hannity: The publisher of Climate Depot, Marc Morano, is back. Good to see you.  … Marc, you have spent the better part of your adult life debunking the climate alarmist religious cult. Now it’s it’s fully in gear and it’s spending all of this money. What do people really need to know about what they are pedaling and how it’s based on phony science, not real science? You know, look at the study that came out a couple of weeks ago; electric cars may pollute the planet more than gas-powered cars, but all of this never gets told to the American people in the media mob.

Marc Morano: The UCLA historian Saul Friedländer described the central planners of the 20th century as using the bureaucracy to enforce ‘magical beliefs.’ The ‘magical beliefs’ here are that we can spend trillions of dollars and magically transform our vehicles from gas power to EVs. ‘Magically’ transform our electrical grid to solar and wind and claim we’re doing something to save the climate. Even if we faced a ‘climate catastrophe,’ the last thing you’d want to do is the Biden administration approach — a central-planned top-down government plan of picking winners and losers. You would need to unleash innovation if that’s what we actually faced. You’d want a wealthier country; you would want a technological explosion. You would want capitalism unleashed because the cleanest environments are the freest environments.

They take the exact opposite approach here, and it’s ‘magical thinking’ from beginning to end in terms of the green agenda. This is just going to hammer the American people. They’re spending so much money that there are parts of California where they don’t have enough bureaucrats to spend the climate cash flowing in from the Inflation Reduction Act and from the Biden administration. They have to hire bureaucrats even to figure out how to spend it all.