BONNER COHEN: New York’s anti-fossil fuel shakedown could spread to other states by: Bonner Cohen “With nearly every record rainfall, heatwave, and coastal storm, New Yorkers are increasingly burdened with billions of dollars in health, safety, and environmental consequences due to polluters who have historically harmed our environment” Under the guise of climate remediation, New York Gov. Kathy Hochul (D) signed a bill into law Dec. 27 that will allow the […]
New Year’s Resolution to Embrace CO2 Emissions & Benefits
New Year’s Resolution to Embrace CO2 Emissions and Benefits By Vijay Jayaraj Scientific advancement and agricultural technology have revolutionized food production, enabling humanity to feed more readily a ballooning population. And working behind these celebrated innovations is an unacknowledged but indispensable contributor to the world’s growing food security: rising atmospheric carbon dioxide (CO2). The very […]
Hochul’s polluters pay bill could result in regressive costs for working families, say economists By Aubrie Spady Fox News A New York democratic bill aimed at charging oil and gas companies for pollution could result in regressive costs for working families in the state, energy and economic experts tell Fox News Digital. New York Gov. Kathy Hochul recently signed the Climate Change Superfund Act, a bill that seeks to charge polluters up […]
‘Unprecedented strain on the U.S. power grid’: AI Data Centers Are Causing ‘Distortions’ in the Power Grid from Coast to Coast By Lucas Nolan The rapid growth of AI data centers across the U.S. is not only straining power grids but also distorting the quality of electricity delivered to homes, threatening damage to appliances and increasing fire risks, according to an analysis performed by Bloomberg. A recent report by Bloomberg claims that the explosive growth of artificial […]
Watch: Morano on TV on Jimmy Carter’s climate legacy: Promoted ‘the first version of the Green New Deal’ – Pushed ‘austerity, limits, restrictions’ on USA – ‘Carter will always be their hero’ STINCHFIELD TONIGHT – Real America’s Voice – Broadcast DECEMBER 30TH, 2024 Watch full segment here: Rush Transcript: Grant Stinchfield: Joining me now. Climate Depot publisher Marc Morano called all this into question. Marc, welcome back to the show. Marc Morano: Thank you. Grant. Happy to be here. Grant Stinchfield: So what’s your thoughts on […]
No, Associated Press, Extreme Weather Events in a Single Year Are Not Climate Change
No, Associated Press, Extreme Weather Events in a Single Year Are Not Climate Change By Anthony Watts No, Associated Press, Extreme Weather Events in a Single Year Are Not Climate Change
Scientists warn of impending ‘Ultra-Intense Category 6’ storm in the year 2100 – Be AFRAID of this ‘theoretical weather event’ By MATTHEW PHELAN FOR DAILYMAIL.COM Scientists have made a stark warning of an impending ‘Ultra-Intense Category 6’ storm hitting the US. The prediction comes from an international team of over 60 experts who found the burning of fossil fuels has poured the equivalent energy into the Earth’s systems, heralding a dark new era of ‘mega-hurricanes.’ An ‘Ultra-Intense […]
Met Office Claims to Have Been Recording Temperatures at ‘Stornoway Airport’ Going Back to 1873 — 30 Years Before Airplanes Were Invented — Airport Was Not Built Until 1937
Met Office Claims to Have Been Recording Temperatures at “Stornoway Airport” 30 Years Before Aeroplanes Were Invented By Chris Morrison The U.K. Met Office claims to have a continuous record of temperatures at Stornoway Airport going back to 1873. This is truly remarkable since manned powered flight was not achieved until 1903 and the actual airport […]
New Study ridiculed for focusing on ‘climate emotions’ of ‘US adolescents’ – Claims ‘climate change is causing widespread distress among US youth’ – Published in The Lancet By William M Briggs Way, way back I ran a quarter-hearted contest for the Worst Science of the Year. Keeping up with the tsunami of dreck flowing out of academia proved impossible, however. Worse, the peer-reviewed flotsam and jetsam was so nauseatingly noisome I worried reading only bad papers would wreck my mind. So I quit. […]
Hochul’s senseless $75B climate cash grab will only speed New York’s decline By Peter Murphy Gov. Hochul last week signed a new climate bill forcing fossil-fuel companies to pay $75 billion in “recovery” assessments over the next 25 years for their alleged role in causing “extreme weather.” “It’s time for large polluters to pay their fair share,” she declared. But the claim is an unscientific joke — and the law, […]