Amazon forests really are cloud machines (and the climate models had no idea)

Amazon forests really are cloud machines (and the climate models had no idea) By Jo Nova No wonder climate models can’t predict rainfall ” Until now, isoprene’s ability to form new [cloud seeding] particles has been considered negligible.” Broad leaf tees emit up to 600 million metric tons of isoprene each year, but no one […]

Study: Marine life in oceans has a cooling effect on climate – ‘Global emissions of a sulfur gas produced by marine life have a hitherto unknown cooling effect on temps’ By Bonner Cohen, Ph. D Putting another nail in the coffin of the mantra that “the science is settled on climate change,” researchers in Spain have found that global emissions of a sulfur gas produced by marine life have a hitherto unknown cooling effect on temperatures. It has long been known that oceans capture […]

Rescuing California Requires Challenging Crony Environmentalism – ‘Policies prioritize environmentalism & government expansion’

Rescuing California Requires Challenging Crony Environmentalism California’s high cost of living is driven by Democratic policies that prioritize environmentalism and government expansion, harming businesses and households while failing to address affordability. By Edward Ring The Speaker of the Assembly in the California state legislature, Robert Rivas, recently said, “California must not fixate on Trump and forget […]

New Russia-China Gas Pipeline Fully Operational – Will supply a tenth of China’s gas consumption

New Russia-China Gas Pipeline Fully Operational By Paul Homewood  China’s largest single-pipe natural gas transmission project, the China-Russia east-route natural gas pipeline, officially went into full operation on Monday. From construction to operation, the pipeline’s critical equipment and core control systems have been entirely domestically produced, China Media Group (CMG) reported. With the full operation of […]

GOP House set to challenge Biden green energy standards for washing machines – Could prevent DOE from implementing new energy efficiency standards By Aubrie Spady A bipartisan group of lawmakers passed legislation aimed at pushing back on the Biden administration’s green energy standards for household appliances. The Department of Energy (DOE) introduced a final rule in February imposing stricter energy standards for residential clothes washers (RCWs), such as washing machines. Under the regulations, certain less-efficient models of washers and […]

Boston Globe gushes about ‘John Kerry’s enduring impact on US diplomacy’ as ‘unveiling of his portrait at the State Department’ – Kerry ‘elevated climate change from a niche issue to a mandatory talking point’ By Glen Johnson – Glen Johnson is a former Globe political reporter who served as deputy assistant secretary of state for Strategic Communications from 2013-2017.  Excerpt: Twenty years ago, John Kerry suffered the worst fate possible for an American politician: He lost a one-on-one battle for the presidency. … Yet instead of wallowing in […]

Ex-CCP Officials Funneled Millions to US Universities, Nonprofits To Promote Green Energy, Tax Forms Show

Ex-CCP Officials Funneled Millions to US Universities, Nonprofits To Promote Green Energy, Tax Forms Show Energy Foundation China, which operates primarily from Beijing, promotes energy policies designed to weaken US, watchdogs warn By Thomas Catenacci A climate nonprofit run by former Chinese Communist Party officials funneled millions of dollars to U.S. universities and left-wing groups to promote replacing fossil […]

Our electric grid is in peril: California offers a cautionary tale By Chris Talgo Our nation’s electric grid is unnecessarily in danger from corrupt climate alarmists who worship at the altar of net-zero emissions and greedy, shortsighted utility company CEOs who unflinchingly prioritize profits from the green energy transition scam over the grid’s long-term viability. Unfortunately, this nexus has put the U.S. electric grid in […]