French government fines TV news €20,000 for allowing a skeptic to speak ‘unchallenged’ – Lack of reaction was a ‘failure’ to meet the obligations of the channel By Jo Nova We know what secrets they fear the most, by how they overreact In France, the second largest news network let an economist go on air and declare he thought global warming was a lie and a scam used to justify State intervention. He even went on to say it is a […]
Listen: Morano on The Joe Piscopo Show talks how Biden admin doubling down on failure of EVs with the details on Biden’s new $1.7 billion federal EV spending spree
| @ClimateDepot gave guest hosts @joeysib + @algattullo details on Biden’s $1.7 billion plan to boost EV manufacturing and assembly in 8 states Full Interview: — The Joe Piscopo Show (@JoePiscopoShow) July 12, 2024
Watch: Morano on Lou Dobbs Tonight talks ‘climate murder’ prosecutions against energy companies

Lou Dobbs Tonight – Broadcast July 10, 2024 – Morano’s segment begins at 48:00 min into video. Climate Murder: Former Federal Prosecutor calls for climate ‘2nd-degree murder prosecutions’ against ‘Big Oil’ for heat wave deaths in Arizona
Morano explains the COVID/Climate connection to the Great Reset:
Marc Morano: “The same template. Climate change activists make a scary prediction, saying, ‘The only way we can avoid this dire end-of-world scenario is to go full Marxist, and we have to do it.’ And no dissent is allowed, and we have to go forward; we need planned recessions, we need to reduce travel, […]
Morano: Joe Biden’s EPA admits past heat waves were worse in the USA
Morano: How can heat waves get worse? It’s because they started their chart in the coldest period of the 20th century 1960 to claim that heat waves are now much worse than they were. See: EPA promotes U.S. heatwave increase since 1960s while downplaying HUGE DECREASE in U.S. heatwaves since 1930s If you pick the […]
Progressive climate group Sunrise Movement says Biden should ‘pass the torch’ BY RACHEL FRAZIN The Sunrise Movement, a progressive, youth-led climate group, is calling on President Biden to step aside from the 2024 race after his abysmal debate performance spurred Democratic anxiety about his ability to beat former President Trump. “To young people: losing this election could alter the rest of our lives,” Sunrise Movement Executive Director Aru […]