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Politico: ‘Far-right’ France risks paralyzing EU’s Green Deal – ‘Everybody’s freaking out’ – EU diplomat: ‘This is all crazy stuff & really dangerous’ – ‘They would probably break EU law to do away with the Green Deal, for sure’ National Rally (RN), which along with its allies bagged one in three votes nationwide in the initial round of the French election last Sunday, has vowed to overhaul the country’s energy and climate policies if given the opportunity to govern. But imposing its program, from cutting taxes to freezing wind expansion and overhauling France’s […]

Not-Transitioning: India burns more coal than the US and Europe combined and just ordered $33b in ‘new coal plants’ By Jo Nova India is going gangbusters building coalThe need for energy in India is so dire, the Modi government just leaned on the power companies to get their act together. Instead of adding the usual 1 – 2 gigawatts of new coal power, which they have for a lot of the last decade, […]