Biden EPA Rules Will Cause Blackouts for Millions of Americans, Study Warns Washington Free Beacon By Thomas CatenacciJune 12, 2024 President Joe Biden’s aggressive climate regulations targeting fossil-fuel-fired power plants will create widespread electric grid instability and lead to mass blackouts impacting millions of Americans, according to a recent study commissioned by North Dakota’s state government. The research, conducted in May by the firm Always On […]

How California’s ‘neo-feudal reality’ became a warning to the world: ‘A new dominant class of oligarchs & woke bureaucrats has bled the Golden State dry’

JOEL KOTKIN: California is not only home to by far the highest number of billionaires in the US. But it also suffers the highest proportion of Americans living in poverty and the widest gap between middle- and upper-middle-income earners of any state. It endures among the US’ highest rates of unemployment, as well as massive net outmigration, an exodus that has increased sharply since 2019. It also has 30 per cent of the nation’s homeless population, with some now living in ‘furnished’ caves. …

Unable to provide upward mobility for most, California has chosen to expand what Marx described as ‘the proletarian alms-bag’ for the masses, who are increasingly disconnected from the state’s economy. The state spends a larger share of its budget on welfare than virtually any other state. Rather than seek to expand the economic pie, the oligarchic classes prefer an expansion of redistribution. They favour concepts like a ‘universal basic income’ or subsidies for basics like rent and electricity. Some claim California will be able to foot the bill with profits made from artificial intelligence. Once the epitome of competitive capitalism, the tech industry now promotes, as one Silicon Valley wag put it, ‘feudalism with better marketing’. … 

These policies are a disaster for many. Today one in five Californians – many working – lives in poverty (using a cost-of-living adjusted poverty rate). The Public Policy Institute of California estimates another fifth live in near-poverty – roughly 15million people in total. With the exception of Asians, the state’s racial minorities do far worse – in education, incomes and homeownership – than they do virtually anywhere else in the country. … 

Rather than address class issues, California’s progressive project focusses on issues like gender, abortion and race. All provide excellent ways to virtue-signal without threatening the ruling cabal of the oligarchical elite, the government bureaucracy and the political class. This has led California to pass such measures as mandates for stores to have gender-neutral toy sections and allowing children to change genders without parental approval. …

Draconian climate-change policies, now a central part of Democratic Party dogma, have driven California’s decline. Latinos are particularly impacted….The governor has even blamed climate change for much of the problem.

POLITICO: ‘Road rage’ – EU’s plan to ban gas cars may be key to ‘stunning results from European’ – ‘People don’t like you messing with their cars’ Did gasoline win the European election? By ARIANNA SKIBELL The stunning results from the European election hammered home one reality for leaders on both sides of the Atlantic: People don’t like you messing with their cars. The EU’s plan to ban the sale of internal-combustion-engine vehicles by 2035 emerged as a possible casualty of the conservative victories […]

Republican Lawmakers Should Think Twice Before Buying Into Biden’s Green Energy Fantasy By CRAIG RUCKER – PRESIDENT, COMMITTEE FOR A CONSTRUCTIVE TOMORROW China, India and dozens of other countries still depend heavily on coal to generate electricity, power their economies and ensure people decent living standards. That this is true in the developing world is news to no one. But even in Europe the tide is […]