Now quicksand is blamed on ‘climate change’! Woman on Maine beach ‘sunk to her hips’ in quicksand – Maine Dept of Agriculture claims ‘climate changed played a role’ Quicksand doesn’t just happen in Hollywood. It happened on a Maine beach Via AP news wire: A Maine woman enjoying a walk on a popular beach learned that quicksand doesn’t just happen in Hollywood movies in jungles or rainforests. Jamie Acord was walking at the water’s edge at Popham Beach State Park over the […]
AP: Many Americans not buying Biden’s push for electric vehicles WASHINGTON — Many Americans still aren’t sold on going electric for their next car purchase. High prices and a lack of easy-to-find charging stations are major sticking points, a new poll shows. About 4 in 10 U.S. adults say they would be at least somewhat likely to buy an EV the next time they […]
Wash Post declares AC-free goal of ‘greenest Olympics ever’ in Paris takes ‘a farcical turn’ as ‘portable air-conditioning units will be everywhere’ per athletes’ demands

Wash Post Excerpts:
But in a farcical turn, when the Games start next month, an Olympic Village designed to showcase sustainability will be more of an energy hog than organizers had hoped.
That’s because portable air-conditioning units will be everywhere. Wheeled in. Shipped in. Ordered by visiting countries that want their athletes to sleep well and perform at the highest level — even if it means a larger carbon footprint. Some of those athletes are accustomed to temperatures cooler than what the dorms might have provided and raised concerns to their national Olympic committees. “It’s a high-performance environment,” said Strath Gordon, the chief of public affairs for the Olympic committee of Australia, one of the countries opting for the ACs. … The Washington Post sent inquiries to 20 of the largest competing nations. Among the eight that responded, all — including the United States — said they were planning to use portable ACs in some or all of their athletes’ rooms. Those countries — plus Greece, Denmark and Australia, which also responded to The Post — accounted for more than 3,000 athletes at the previous Olympics, in Tokyo, more than a quarter of the total. … Many other countries plan to obtain the ACs in France.
Boondoggle: Carbon Capture Projects Are Worse Than a Public Nuisance By Bonner Russell Cohen The world of climate policy abounds with bad ideas – from force-feeding an increasingly reluctant driving public a steady diet of EVs, to regulating popular household appliances out of existence. But one of the worst is megaprojects aimed at sucking carbon dioxide (CO2) out of the air and burying it deep […]
We’re Saved! UN Scientists to disrupt Brussels, ‘demand degrowth’ – Issue ‘manifesto’ declaring economic ‘growth kills’ – Warn of ‘ecological collapse’ & seek ‘new economic system’ that ‘respects the planet’s limits’

Via Press Release: From 6 to 8 June, Scientist Rebellion International, Growth Kills and Extinction Rebellion are organising a series of civil disobedience actions in Brussels, as well as an information meeting and activism workshop. The series is supported by Wolfgang Cramer, prominent IPCC member and Peace Nobel Prize winner, who will be available for […]