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Watch: John Kerry’s daughter is now the WHO’s ‘Special Envoy for Climate Change & Health’! She warns ‘We must urgently reduce the greenhouse gas emissions that are killing us!’

You ‘no longer’ have ‘a choice’! Watch: Kerry’s daughter Vanessa Kerry: ‘We must accept that there is no other way forward than to phase out our reliance on fossil fuels. Simply mitigation and reduction of greenhouse gas emissions — is no longer a choice’

‘The climate crisis is a health crisis,’ Declares WHO’s ‘First-Ever Special Envoy for Climate Change & Health’ Vanessa Kerry

John Kerry’s daughter Vanessa Kerry: “There’s a very real opportunity for us to have a health-centered approach to climate change.”

John Kerry’s daughter has a new job! Dr. Vanessa Kerry appointed as WHO Dir-Gen Special Envoy for Climate Change & Health
