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Media finally gets it! ‘Duke Energy is transitioning away from coal. It means power bills are becoming more expensive’

Marc Morano comment: Duke Energy spokesman calls gutting reliable coal power — “improvements” to the grid. Yet they are virtually signaling to political mandates for Net Zero. As utilities close down reliable fossil fuel energy generation, they claim unspecified “benefits” to the “transitions.” In the video, Tesla home generator batteries are touted for the inevitable blackouts coming. Ideologies, politicians, activists, and colluding corporations and utilities are monkeying around with our once reliable grid due to climate politics. Then they offer some customer ‘rebates,’ ‘incentives’, & ‘subsidiy’ programs that are supposed to alleviate the constantly rising energy prices. This is an insane process that needs to stop, and Duke Energy spokesmen need a remedial education on how to speak to the public and stop lying about green energy ‘improvements’ to the grid. At the same time, they collude and do their part to sabotage the grid.

Climate Cooking: ‘How a few billionaires (Steyer, Bloomberg & Paulson) helped push climate science to the extremes’ By Roger Pielke Jr.: Excerpt: At the center of the corruption of climate science discussed here sits a highly technical scenario of the future called Representation Concentration Pathway 8.5 or RCP8.5. Longtime readers of THB will no doubt be familiar with RCP8.5 and its consequences, but for anyone needing a quick primer, have a […]