Watch Morano on TNT: ‘Breaking news in Davos at the World Economic Forum, the Earth is going to be granted human rights. Earth rights’

Watch: TNT – Unleashed w/ Marc Morano – "Breaking news in Davos, Switzerland at the World Economic Forum, the Earth is going to be granted human rights. Earth rights." Morano: "Ecoside! You want to make a backyard garden? Ecocide! The full prosecution of the… — Marc Morano (@ClimateDepot) January 25, 2024 Morano: “Ecoside! You […]
Day Six of Mann-Steyn Trial: The End is Nigh – Bill Nye attends trial & Mann reveals he has not spent a dime of his own money on his defamation suit by Mark Steyn The big revelation on Thursday was Mann declaring that he had not spent a dime of his own money on his defamation suit these last twelve years, and that he did not owe any debt for those twelve years of legal services at no cost whatsoever. A lot of observers in […]