Watch: Meteorologist Brian Sussman Roasts Global Warmers on Morano’s TNT Podcast

Watch: Brian Roasts Global Warmers on Marc Morano’s Podcast Sussman: It’s doozy! Wednesday I was a guest on Marc Morano’s podcast.  Consider it my first official interview about my new book, Climate Cult: Exposing and Defeating Their War on Life, Liberty and Property. The book will be available for pre-order near the end of February! Marc is […]

The Angry Mind of Michael Mann

The Angry Mind of Michael Mann The Angry Mind of Michael Mann By Brian Sussman Most of you don’t know Michael Mann, but you may know someone a lot like him. As I will illustrate, he is a very angry, extremely liberal guy, who, despite his PhD, relishes in bombastic and deceitful claims. Michael Mann […]

Analysis: ‘Hottest year ever’ temperature claims based on ‘extensive adjustments by computer algorithms’

Francis Menton of the Manhattan Contrarian: Global surface temperatures, as measured by NOAA and NASA, had decreased somewhat from 2020 highs, bringing about a hiatus in the otherwise endless drumbeat of propaganda from those agencies claiming “hottest month ever” or “hottest year ever.” But then a strong El Niño early last year induced a small temperature increase several months later, picked up by the NOAA/NASA thermometer network. 

The data on which these claims are based have been subject to extensive adjustments by computer algorithms, in every case to lower the temperatures in the earlier years and raise the temperatures in the later years — thus introducing an artificial warming trend that does not exist in the original records.

Hottest 12 Months for 125,000 Years Claim Lacks Any Scientific Evidence

Chris Morrison of Daily Skeptic: Last year humanity lived through the hottest 12 months in at least 125,000 years, reported an hysterical CNN, a frame of mind replicated throughout much of the mainstream media. … 

Accurate temperature records barely started before the 20th century, and recent measurements by fixed thermometers have been heavily corrupted by growing urban heat. It is in fact possible using proxy measurements to get a good idea of general temperature movements over the last 125,000 years.

All the evidence points to periods of much higher temperatures, notably between 10,000 to 5,000 years ago.

The latest science paper examining this trend has just been published, and it points to summer temperatures at least 1.5°C higher around 5,000 years ago in the eastern Mediterranean, at a time when civilization was developing rapidly.

Dr. Willie Soon on the origins of ‘fossil fuels’ – We should be careful not to assume all of the hydrocarbons on Earth are ‘fossil fuels’ Dr. Soon’s comments on the discussion of the origin of fossil fuels In the first part of the interview, Tucker Carlson asked Dr. Soon some questions about the possibility that hydrocarbons (gas, oil and coal) could be produced “abiogenically” as opposed to requiring a biological source.   Gas, oil and coal are commonly referred […]

Biden’s sweeping climate agenda quietly shaped by left-wing group under investigation

Biden’s sweeping climate agenda quietly shaped by left-wing group under investigation   ByGabe Kaminsky A left-wing organization accused of potentially violating antitrust law is quietly influencing the Biden administration’s push to enact expansive green energy policies, records show. Ceres, a Boston-based environmental charity accepting large checks from undisclosed sources, says it works through “powerful networks and global […]