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‘The most reviled scientist of the last 100 years’, Prof. Michael Mann, smears non-believers: ‘Climate deniers are HORRIBLE people. Typically bigoted, xenophobic, racist, misogynistic, homophobic, antisemitic…’

Why does this @MichaelEMann character who claims to be a “climate scientist” spend so much of his time making blanket public slurs against 100s of millions of people? Sounds a lot like the infamous “basket of deplorables” doesn’t it? A disgusting tweet of his (pic attached) from… — Jonathan Cohler (@cohler) December 31, 2023 […]

Morano on Fox Business: ‘Go After the Entire Net Zero Agenda’ By Tom Olohan Climate Depot founder Marc Morano eviscerated leftist climate propaganda pushed by elites during an appearance on Fox Business Tuesday. Morano pointed out the undeniable damage caused by climate policies on a Dec. 26 segment of Fox Business’s The Bottom Line. During the segment, he reacted to the latest apocalyptic musings of South […]