Wash Post advice column from psychiatrist promotes psychedelics for solving ‘eco-anxiety’, ‘climate grief’
https://www.foxnews.com/media/wash-post-advice-column-psychiatrist-promotes-psychedelics-solving-eco-anxiety-climate-grief In an advice column for the Washington Post, Emily Willow, MD, wrote that psychedelics can provide ‘breakthroughs’ for ‘navigating eco-anxiety’ By Gabriel Hays Fox News Board-certified psychiatrist Emily Willow, MD, asserted that “psychedelic medicine-assisted therapy” can help those fearful and depressed over climate change feel better in a Washington Post advice column on Friday. In the piece, […]
‘Culdesac’ – ‘1000 people, 0 Cars’: Welcome to the USA’s first car-free neighborhood – ‘Redefining the American living experience’

https://app.wedonthavetime.org/posts/865f0925-9d36-49b3-9e03-80c5310f9599#/ Welcome to Culdesac, the first car-free neighbourhood in the USA. The 17-acre development, once a car body shop and derelict buildings, has redefined the American living experience. As the sun-drenched desert city of Phoenix bakes in the harsh climate, Culdesac is an experiment that invites residents to experience life without cars, promoting a walkable, […]
‘Treating climate as a medical malady’ – Watch: Morano on TV talking Big Pharma cashing on climate scare & the ‘merging climate into a public health issue à la COVID’

Marc Morano on climate being declared a ‘global health emergency’: “This is the entire international organizations, billionaire-backed, corporate, academic — they’re pushing all of this — the idea of merging climate into a public health issue and then declaring a public health emergency. Does that sound familiar — à la COVID? Then, they get to bypass democracy.
So you have the British Medical Journal and 200 other journals joining in — all saying — they use the word ‘treat’ – ‘We’re going to treat climate change like it’s a medical malady, as a public health emergency.’ At the same time, the Biden administration is trying to push the U.S. into this World Health Organization’s Pandemic Treaty. It is not very far-fetched that the World Health Organization, whose scientists are chiefly funded by Bill Gates, can declare a public health emergency on climate and shut down gas stations, limit our travel, restrict airlines, and restrict meat eating. You see where this is going, and it won’t require any vote of Congress or any legislator. This will be done under emergency orders.”