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New satirical novel about climate alarmism: ‘Climate anxiety’ creates ‘a mysterious twitch that goes viral among young people’

A Climate Anomaly Of Epidemic Proportions Has Arrived! BY CCD EDITOR ON OCT 10, 2023. POSTED IN LATEST NEWS, VIDEOS A Climate Anomaly Of Epidemic Proportions Has Arrived! Climate alarmists go to not-so-great lengths to scare the public into thinking every change in weather is a sign of a coming apocalypse. Author Jon Pepper captures the doomsayers’ doomsaying in this video […]

BBC: ‘Climate change could make beer taste worse’ Global warming is changing the quality and taste of beer, scientists have warned. A new study reveals that the quantity of European hops, which gives beer its distinctive bitter taste, is declining. Hotter, longer and drier summers are predicted to worsen the situation, and could lead to beer becoming more expensive. The authors warned […]

Analysis: Offshore Wind is an Economic & Environmental Catastrophe

: “The ongoing slaughter of whales off America’s northeast coast thanks to construction of offshore wind turbines: “When you detonate massive explosives, repeatedly drive steel piles into the ocean floor with a hydraulic hammer, and blast high decibel sonar mapping signals underwater, you’re going to harm animals that rely on sound to orient themselves in the ocean. To say it is mere coincidence that hundreds of these creatures have washed ashore, dead, all of a sudden, during precisely the same months when the blasting and pounding began, is brazen deception.”

Nonetheless, when the story can’t be buried, deception is the strategy. Not one major environmental organization, government watchdog agency, or media outlet has called for a slowdown in industrial offshore wind projects. Instead, they repeatedly claim these allegations are misinformation. And from that paragon of truth,, we get this: “No Evidence Offshore Wind Development Killing Whales.”

Norway’s official gov’t bureau of statistics: ‘The effect of man-made CO2 emissions does not appear to be strong enough to cause systematic changes in the temperature fluctuations during the last 200 years’

Norway's official government bureau of statistics, Statistics Norway: "The effect of man-made CO2 emissions does not appear to be strong enough to cause systematic changes in the temperature fluctuations during the last 200 years." — CO2 Coalition (@CO2Coalition) October 10, 2023 No Way, Norway 04 Oct 2023 | News Roundup Well, this is awkward. Statistics Norway, […]

Study in the journal ‘Australian Feminist Studies’ uncovers ‘a climate of misogyny’ with ‘climate denial’ spreading from ‘older White men’

Cover image for Australian Feminist Studies 

Statistician Dr. Matt Briggs analyzes wacky new paper: A paper in the journal Australian Feminist Studies titled “A Climate of Misogyny: Gender, Politics of Ignorance, and Climate Change Denial – An Interview with Katharine Hayhoe” by Sophie Bjork-James and Josef Barla. Yet this paper is a catalog of feelings of these three people—transcribed from a Zoom call! Which, I suppose, is precisely what a paper in a feminist journal should be. …

According to her official bio at Vanderbilt, co-author Sophie Bjork-James “has engaged in long-term research on both the US-based Religious Right and the white nationalist movement.” Sophie Bjork-James starts us off: “We find it striking that many of the voices downplaying or denying the reality of climate change are also those who forcefully oppose gender equality.”

Katharine Hayhoe says “research has shown”—research!—“that climate denial is not exclusively but predominately a male-dominated area and it is usually older White men.”

ABSTRACT: “In this interview, climate scientist Katharine Hayhoe discusses with Sophie Bjork-James and Josef Barla: the issue of gender inequality in the natural sciences; the toxic entanglement of right-wing extremism, sexism and anti-science rhetoric in discourses on climate change; the far-reaching institutional and social consequences of the Trump administration’s attacks on climate science research and advocacy; as well as the politics of ignorance and promising ways to rebuild trust in shared values and a shared world in the face of multiple planetary crises and challenges from climate change to biodiversity loss to the rise of far-right extremism.”