New Study: UN IPCC Global Warming Reports Underestimated Role of Sun in Warming

Via Epoch Times: Depending on the solar activity and temperature records used in the analysis, warming can be blamed on the sun, human activity, or both, the study found.
Talking about the results, Dr. Willie Soon, an author of the study, said that “if the IPCC had paid more attention to open-minded scientific inquiry than trying to force a premature ‘scientific consensus,’ then the scientific community would be a lot closer to having genuinely resolved the causes of climate change,” according to the CERES post.

Mr. Connolly highlighted the importance of remaining unbiased when conducting research. “In scientific investigations, it is important to avoid beginning your analysis with your conclusions decided in advance. Otherwise, you might end up with a false sense of confidence in your findings. It seems that the IPCC was too quick to jump to their conclusions.”

Many other experts have also warned about flawed climate studies and models being used to push the climate agenda.
In August, the Global Climate Intelligence Group (CLINTEL) published its World Climate Declaration signed by over 1,600 scientists and professionals, stating that “there is no climate emergency.”

The coalition pointed out that Earth’s climate has varied as long as it has existed, with the planet experiencing several cold and warm phases. The Little Ice Age only ended as recently as 1850, they said.

“Therefore, it is no surprise that we now are experiencing a period of warming,” the declaration said. Warming is happening “far slower” than predicted by the IPCC.

“Climate models have many shortcomings and are not remotely plausible as policy tools,” the coalition said, adding that these models “exaggerate the effect of greenhouse gases” and “ignore the fact that enriching the atmosphere with CO2 is beneficial.”

In an interview with The Epoch Times back in 2021, Laszlo Szarka, a geophysicist who is also a co-author of the Sept. 27, 2023, study, said that the definition of “climate change” has been distorted over the past three decades.

It was “distorted in 1992 in a way that is incompatible with science,” he said, pointing to the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) excluding natural causes from the definition.

The term climate change used to—and must again—include not just human-contributed factors, but also natural ones like temperatures, wind patterns, and rainfall, he said.

“The obscuration of the classical definition of climate change has paved the way for any change in the climate to be attributed and accounted to anthropogenic emission.”
