Hottest Evah September!! Or ‘the ignorance of journalists who think that the world started in the 19thC, during the Little Ice Age’ By Paul Homewood h/t Ian Magness Well, they would, wouldn’t they! The latest of many heat records broken this year is putting the world on course for its hottest year ever, and is a sign of what is to come in future, according to scientists. Last month was not only the hottest September on […]
Geoengineering: A Futile Attempt to Fix a Non-Issue and Dangerous as Well By Charles Rotter In the realm of climate science, where alarmism often reigns supreme, various forms geoengineering keep popping up. But as with many “solutions” to the so-called climate crisis, there’s one which stands out as potentially causing more problems than it purports to solve. “A technology being studied to curb climate change… would […]
Listen: Morano on The Joe Piscopo Show talking about four airline flight limit per person per lifetime