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Thought Hunter Biden Had No Connection to the Climate issue? Think Again – Hunter corresponded with CEO of Al Gore’s Climate Reality Project

Special to Climate Depot 

By Russell Cook

Much is being said in the non-mainstream media news about the email communications in Hunter Biden’s laptop, regarding his foreign business dealings with companies in Ukraine and China, and how the collective revelations seem to indicate big trouble for his father, U.S. President Joe Biden. One often-asked question concerns why Hunter Biden apparently was interacting with the Ukrainian oil and gas company Burisma when he had no energy industry expertise of any sort.

I’ll pose a similar question: if Hunter Biden has never demonstrated any experience or interest in the climate issue, why does a pair of emails in his laptop show him corresponding with Maggie Fox, Al Gore’s-then CEO of his Climate Reality Project in 2012 and 2014, as though Hunter was well acquainted with Ms Fox and they were both actively arranging to meet with each other?

Similar to websites aggregating the ClimateGate emails, the Marco Polo site has done that with the contents of Hunter Biden’s abandoned laptop. The following two emails are seen at that site:

December 3, 2012, Maggie Fox to Hunter:  Hunter, belated congratulations and thanks for all you and your family did to win this amazing election! Truly amazing!I  Hope your life is starting to settle down in a good way and you’ve had time to catch up to yourself a bit though I know the demands are virtually endless.

Hey, I’ve been thinking of you a lot and wanted to propose a Maggie-Hunter coffee date.  I am in DC Tuesday, Wednesday this week. I am sneaking out to go to Jill’s Senate spouse brunch Wednesday am—one of the few such events I attend. It’s hard to create the time with work demands, but I love her too much fun to miss it.  Any space in the next couple days?  I am also planning to be in DC next week for a couple days—are you on the road or around?  

I have opened a second office of Climate Reality in Colorado and now split my time between the two locations–more on that when we meet.  Hope it’s soon.


February 10, 2014, Rosemont Seneca Partners’ (described for a time as an “investment fund firm”) Katie Dodge to Hunter:  Maggie is in the Boulder office – Its two hours earlier there. Boulder Office – Assistant is Mary Schellhammer

Keep in mind that 2012 / 2014 was the time when Joe Biden was Vice President under President Obama’s two terms in office. Prominent public figure that former Vice President Al Gore was at that time, it’s plausible that Gore could have easily secured visits with either President Obama or VP Biden simply by asking.

So why would there be any need whatsoever for someone like Hunter Biden to be involved in any arrangements like this, where Ms Fox had enough personal clout to ask for a “Maggie-Hunter coffee date”?

Just askin’.

This question, and perhaps many more related questions, might be something the U.S. House Oversight Committee might want to look into.

Russell Cook is the publisher of the Gelbspan Files blog, documenting the fraudulent claims that ‘fossil fuel companies pay climate skeptics to undercut the settled science of catastrophic human-induced global warming.’
