Watch: Biden administration proposes crackdown on ceiling fans Biden administration proposes crackdown on ceiling fans FOX Business’ Hillary Vaughn provides details on the Department of Energy’s proposal to make ceiling fans more energy efficient and the potential impact on businesses. 

Flashback: CBS News segment on ‘Controlling the weather’ – ‘How to change the weather on purpose’ by ‘firing trillion watt lasers into the sky’

Michio Kaku, a physics professor at City College of New York: “Even in [the] sixties, the CIA used this to bring down monsoons during the Vietnam War to wash out the Vietcong.”

Kaku: “Instead of doing a rain dance, we physicists are firing trillion watt lasers into the sky to actually precipitate rain clouds and actually bring down lightning bolts. This is potentially a game-changer.”

“It is experimental, however in the laboratory, so far it works when you have water vapor and you have dust particles or ice crystals. You can precipitate rain. It condenses around the seeds. These seeds can also be created by laser beams by firing trillion watt lasers you rip apart the electrons creating what I call ions and these ions act like seeds like dust particles bringing down rain and even lightning.”  

CBS News anchor Nora O’Donnell: “They were talking about climate change yesterday and now we’re learning that scientists and researchers are looking at how to change the weather on purpose. That’s right. Lasers now could one day manipulate rain and lightning.”

‘Think of the Implications of Publishing’ – A whistleblower shares shocking details of corruption of peer review in climate science Upgrade to paid I have been contacted by a whistleblower with a remarkable story of corruption of the academic peer-review process involving a paper published in 2022. The whistleblower has provided me with relevant emails, reviews and internal deliberations from which I recount this disturbing episode — which ends with an unwarranted and politically-motivated […]

Shock Retraction of Climate Science Paper Showing No Climate Emergency Draws Comparisons with Climategate Scandal BY CHRIS MORRISON Shocking details of corruption and suppression in the world of peer-reviewed climate science have come to light with a recent leak of emails. They show how a determined group of activist scientists and journalists combined to secure the retraction of a paper that said a climate emergency was not supported by the […]

Will ‘super emitters’ Bill Gates & John Kerry relinquish some of their wealth to save the planet?! Study finds 40% of US CO2 emissions attributed to richest households The wealthiest tenth of U.S. households are the source of 40 percent of national greenhouse gas emissions, according to research published in the journal PLOS Climate.  Researchers, led by Jared Starr of the University of Massachusetts, Amherst, analyzed three decades of household income data from 1990 to 2019. They found that during this period, the bottom 90 […]