China seeks military dominance through fossil fuels – USA ‘losing nearly 1 million barrels per day of oil refining capacity’ as China’s oil refining capacity overtook U.S. as the world’s largest in 2022 By Ronald Stein  As the world watches, China has been aggressively building its fleet of ships and aircraft in anticipation of a potential attack on Taiwan. To support that military domination, China is also aggressively building its fossil fuel refining capabilities to power those ships and aircraft. Meanwhile, President Joe Biden is aggressively campaigning to rid […]

2019 report on a ‘1.5C World’: ‘Reduce number of clothing’ to ‘3 new clothing items per person per year’ by 2030 ‘to avoid climate breakdown’ – Affiliated with WEF, Michael Bloomberg, Soros, Google, FED EX & IKEA

Click to access Arup-C40-The-Future-of-Urban-Consumption-in-a-1-5C-World.pdf C40 is delighted to publish this pioneering piece of thought leadership, The Future of Urban Consumption in a 1.5°C World. The report demonstrates that mayors have an even bigger role and opportunity to help avert climate emergency than previously thought. But to grasp that opportunity, city leaders need to be even […]

Hottest Day Evah! ‘The claim that it is hotter now than 5000 years ago is a total lie’ By Paul Homewood Do they think we are really so gullible? Tuesday was the hottest single day on Earth in the history of human civilization, according to a combination of global satellite data and historical tree ring analysis. One point in far northern Canada was hotter than Miami. In Siberia, the temperature in Altai hit 94°F. Despite July […]