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List of things blamed on climate change, from ISIS to hate speech to impacts on babies in the womb to obesity to murders & rape

Warmlist: A complete list of things caused by global warming

By Nikolas Lanum | Fox News

Liberal media outlets have long been infatuated with doomsday predictions about climate change, with journalists blaming a wide variety of sociopolitical issues, like hate speech and terrorism for the ongoing increase in global average temperature.

Democrats and their cohorts in the media in the media have often blamed major hurricanes, tornadoes, and other extreme weather events on climate change. But, their dire warning about the issue have also led them to blame more unconventional problems on changes to our global climate.

Effect of climate change on babies in the womb

A New York Times opinion piece released last week claimed that babies in the womb can be negatively impacted by climate change, citing a study published in The Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry. The study compared babies in utero during the storm, versus kids who were born or conceived after the storm. According to Times opinion writer Jessica Grose, the study found higher rates of psychological issues among kids who lived through the hurricane while inside the womb.

“The study’s authors found that boys who were exposed to Sandy in the womb had elevated risks for “attention-deficit/disruptive behavioral disorders,” while girls had elevated risks for anxiety disorders, depressive disorders and phobias,” Grose wrote.


The writer suggested that extensive climate legislation, much larger than the Inflation Reduction Act, was needed to combat the issue, based off the idea that climate change would continue to increase the severity and frequency of severe weather events, thus impacting pregnant women.

Possible link between climate change and ‘hate speech’

A week earlier, a Washington Post article claimed that climate change was leading to a rise in “hate speech” incidences, spurred by hotter temperatures across the globe.

In an October 13 report, titled, “Hotter days bring out hotter tempers, research finds,” weather reporter Amudalat Ajasa cited two studies that show that because of climate change, extreme temperatures are inducing people to engage in “hate speech and hostile behavior.”

According to the one of the studies, “hate speech on social media escalated with high temperatures.” The other found that there was “an increase in workplace harassment and discrimination at the U.S. Postal Service when the temperature eclipsed 90 degrees.”

Delving more specifically into the data, the reporter cited the Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research’s study, which found an “increase of hate speech of up to 22 percent on Twitter when temperatures are above 107 degrees Fahrenheit.” Not only that, but “extreme cold” coincided with a rise in “offensive tweets.”

Ajasa claimed that scientists made these findings by using “a machine-learning algorithm to analyze 75 million hate tweets from a database containing over 4 billion tweets posted by people across the United States between 2014 and 2020. The algorithm showed that aggressive behavior was the tamest between 54 and 70 degrees.


Media publications’ habit of blaming climate change as the catalyst for numerous negative outcomes.

Climate change to blame for rising childhood obesity

In August, CBS pushed a study blaming climate change for rising childhood obesity rates.

Co-host Nate Burleson introduced the study published in the journal “Temperature” that argued “climate change, specifically warmer temperatures is making our children more inactive and more obese.”

Burleson said the study found that children were 30% less “aerobically fit” than their parents and claimed hotter temperatures were preventing kids from exercising outside.

Climate change helped to strengthen ISIS, The Taliban, and more

A year earlier, CBS News released a report that claimed climate change had helped strengthen the Taliban. In the report titled “How climate change helped strengthen the Taliban,” CBS News’ climate and energy reporter Cara Korte highlighted that “rural Afghanistan” has been “rocked by climate change,” and said the Taliban has “taken advantage” of those who have suffered from floods and droughts that have destroyed their crops and left them hungry.

The report also made note of the impact of climate change on an increase in floods in the winter, caused by the melting of snow and glaciers in the country’s northern mountains. Furthermore, the report noted that rain had increased in south and west of Afghanistan by 10-25% over the past 30 years. Such flooding had allegedly led Taliban forces to exploit and recruit Afghan farmers, who are told they could make up their lost profits by joining the group.

In recent years, concerns over how climate change could fuel conflicts have gained traction. National Geographic, in particular, often floated the idea that extreme weather, such as droughts and storms, could exacerbate economic and political turmoil in destabilizing regions.

On at least three separate occasions, National Geographic floated a similar theory in regard to ISIS recruitment in Iraq, a lack of peace in Afghanistan, and the Syrian War.

Two years ago in 2020, the magazine released an article titled “In Afghanistan, climate change complicates future prospects for peace.” Alleging that Afghanistan is one of the most vulnerable, and least equipped countries in the world to handle climate change, the papers consulted experts warned that climate change would fuel natural disasters, leading to mass displacement, child marriage, and violence.

In November 2018, National Geographic published a piece entitled “Climate change and water woes drove ISIS Recruiting in Iraq.” The piece claimed that shifting resources, and desperate farmers were “driven into terror recruiters’ clutches,” and questioned whether such a scenario could happen again, or become worse in the future.

Just a year earlier the magazine said the refugee crisis facing the European Union could become far worse as climate change wreaks havoc on Syria, and other Eastern Mediterranean countries.

“As warming worsens, these influxes would accelerate. Under one scenario where warming stabilizes by 2100, asylum applications could increase by some 28 percent. But in a scenario with “business-as-usual” warming, applications could nearly triple, to more than a million asylum seekers per yea,” the report stated.

In a 2015 report, the magazine linked a number of droughts in Syria and South Sudan to climate change, and claimed that it had made the Syrian Civil War worse.

“Drought, worsened by climate change, led to mass migration that helped spark the Syrian conflict, researchers say,” the report said in part.


Climate change will cause murders, rapes, and assaults to rise: MSNBC guest

The possible link between violence and climate change was also discussed by MSNBC’s “Morning Joe” panel back in 2019.

At the time, journalist and author David Wallace-Wells claimed that there was a direct correlation between rising temperatures and conflict on the planet.

“For every half a degree of warming we’re expected to see a 10 or 20% increase in conflicts. So if we get to where we’re going by the end of the century, we could have twice as much war as we have today. And that conflict happens even at the individual levels, so we’ll see rises in murder rates and rape, domestic assault. It spikes the rates at which people are admitted to mental hospitals,” Wallace-Wells said.

Screenwriter says climate change could cause real life ‘sharknado’

Conversations about climate change have even cropped up in media interviews related to popular entertainment. Such was the case in 2014 in a conversation between anchor Tamron Hall and screenwriter Thunder Levin.

During the interview, Hall asked Levin how he and his colleagues came up with a story as original “Sharknado,” to which Levin said that it was time to alert the world the perils of global warming and “biomediaology,” and getting facts out to everyone.

“Because this can happen,” Hall laughed.

“Absolutely it can happen,” Levin replied. It was unclear during the interview if the “Sharknado” creator was serious about his comments.

Fox News’ Lindsay Kornick contributed to this report. 


Flashback 2011: The big self parodying “climate change blame” list

Longtime WUWT reader Jimbo writes in Tips and Notes:

The following has been partly referenced and inspired by Numberwatch. The differences between this list and Numberwatch are:

1) I have tried to select my sources only from peer reviewed letters, papers, abstracts, correspondence etc, or from the IPCC.

2) The list contains only research that appears to arrive at contradictory and opposite findings.

3) Items and links in brackets are just for extra information purposes though some are peer reviewed.

4) I have also added many of my own finds to the list.

* Corrections, clarifications and paired, peer reviewed suggestions appreciated.

* Some abstracts provide a link to the full version.

* I am aware of the caveats and uncertainties stated in some of the documents listed below.

“Causes of uncertainty include insufficient or contradictory evidence as well as human behaviour.”



Below are just a few things caused by man-made Global Warming Climate Change Global Climate Disruption Excessive Climate Change Research Funding.


Amazon dry season greener

Amazon dry season browner

Avalanches may increase

Avalanches may decrease – wet snow more though [?]

Bird migrations longer

Bird migrations shorter

Bird migrations out of fashion

Boreal forest fires may increase

Boreal forest fires may continue decreasing

Chinese locusts swarm when warmer

Chinese locusts swarm when cooler

Columbia spotted frogs decline

Columbia spotted frogs thrive in warming world

Coral island atolls to sink [?]

Coral island atolls to rise [? – ?]

Earth’s rotation to slow down

Earth’s rotation to speed up

East Africa to get less rain

East Africa to get more rain – pdf

Great Lakes less snow

Great Lakes more snow

Gulf stream slows down

Gulf stream speeds up a little

Indian monsoons to be drier

Indian monsoons to be wetter

Indian rice yields to decrease – full paper

Indian rice yields to increase

Latin American forests may decline

Latin American forests have thrived in warmer world with more co2!

Leaf area index reduced [1990s]

Leaf area index increased [1981-2006]

Malaria may increase

Malaria may continue decreasing

Malaria in Burundi to increase

Malaria in Burundi to decrease [?]

North Atlantic cod to decline

North Atlantic cod to thrive

North Atlantic cyclone frequency to increase

North Atlantic cyclone frequency to decrease – full pdf

North Atlantic Ocean less salty

North Atlantic Ocean more salty

Northern Hemisphere ice sheets to decline [? – ? – ?]

Northern Hemisphere ice sheets to grow [?]

Plant methane emissions significant

Plant methane emissions insignificant

Plants move uphill

Plants move downhill [?]

Sahel to get less rain

Sahel to get more rain

Sahel may get more or less rain

San Francisco less foggy

San Francisco more foggy

Sea level rise accelerated

Sea level rise decelerated – full pdf

Soil moisture less

Soil moisture more

Squids get smaller

Squids get larger

Stone age hunters may have triggered past warming [?]

Stone age hunters may have triggered past cooling

Swiss mountain debris flow may increase

Swiss mountain debris flow may decrease

Swiss mountain debris flow may decrease then increase in volume

UK may get more droughts

UK may get more rain

Wind speed to go up [?]

Wind speed slows down [?]

Wind speed to speed up then slow down

Winters maybe warmer [? – ?]

Winters maybe colder ;O)

