Analysis: How Democrats’ Push For Electric Cars Endangers National Security – China ‘could very well be the sole manufacturer of the EVs’ BY: PAUL GILBERT Ford Motor Company recently announced it’s set to lose more than $6 billion on its latest electric vehicle plants while it gets them running, with the company CEO saying “we cannot continue to import batteries and rare earth from overseas.” “We can build all the plants, but what’s the good if we’re importing […]
Climate expert Dr. Roger Pielke Jr. slams ‘climate journalism’ & Lists Top 5 Media narratives – ‘A big part of climate reporting these days is simply climate advocacy’ Top Five Climate Change Narratives in the Media Coverage of climate has become more about narrative promotion than news By ROGER PIELKE JR. Source: University of Colorado Boulder I’ve seen a lot over the past three decades. For instance, I’ve seen my own research on climate go from being widely covered in the late 1990s […]
Climate protesters descend on DC to urge ‘Climate Emergency’ declaration – Block roads & vandalize sculpture at National Gallery of Art Wash Post excertp: Three climate protesters were arrested after blocking traffic on the George Washington Memorial Parkway in the area of the scenic overlooks Wednesday morning during a demonstration demanding that President Biden declare a climate emergency. The protesters blocked the northbound lanes for about 30 minutes before they were cleared by 9:15 […]
Study: The Less You Know About Climate, The More You Cry About Climate – or the more knowledge you have, the less you worry By WILLIAM M BRIGGS Some things, the saying goes, are too good to check. Take the peer-reviewed paper “Environmental knowledge is inversely associated with climate change anxiety” by Hannes Zacher and Cort W. Rudolph in Climatic Change. To my NPR-listener readers, “inversely associated” means the more environmental knowledge you have, the less you worry about the environment. […]