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Conservative watchdogs highlight ‘alarming’ surge in whale deaths as wind farms grow off NY, NJ coasts – ‘Guerrilla-style ad campaign’ with plane carrying banner — ‘SAVE-WHALES-STOP-WINDMILLS.ORG’ By Josh Christenson April Conservative watchdog groups ran a guerrilla-style ad campaign on the New Jersey shore for Earth Day, drawing attention to a surge in whale deaths amid the growth of offshore wind farms. Beachgoers in Atlantic City on Saturday looked on as a single-propeller plane carried a a message waving from a […]

Energy analyst Mark P. Mills exposes folly of EVs being ‘Net-Zero’: ‘You have to dig up about 500,000 pounds of materials to make a single 1000-pound battery’

Mills Full text: “There’s no such thing, of course, as a zero-emissions vehicle. The real question is, where are the emissions associated with the electric car? B Because what you do with an electric vehicle is you don’t eliminate emissions; you export them somewhere else. You have to dig up about 500,000 pounds of materials […]