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Elon Musk’s Plan Claims a World Without Coal or Oil Saves Trillions – Converting world to entirely clean energy will require $10 trillion worth of investment, compared to a cost $14 trillion to stay on fossil fuels Converting the world to entirely clean energy will require $10 trillion worth of investment, but continuing to rely on fossil fuels would cost about $14 trillion, according to Elon Musk. A massive build-out of solar-panel factories and metal refineries are required over the next 20 years to deliver renewable-power generation and electricity-storage capacity needed […]

AP: ‘Global warming is juicing home runs in Major League Baseball’ – Project an extra ‘467 hot home runs by the year 2100′ – Study by American Meteorological Society’ By SETH BORENSTEIN The Associated Press Climate change is making major league sluggers into even hotter hitters, sending an extra 50 or so home runs a year over the fences, a new study found. Hotter, thinner air that allows balls to fly farther contributed a tiny bit to a surge in home runs since 2010, according […]