Climatologist Dr. Judith Curry: ‘The UN IPCC Reports have become ‘bumper sticker’ climate science’ – Report lobbies for ‘politically manufactured consensus’ by Judith Curry I have a new op-ed published in The Australian, here is the complete text. The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) has issued a new Synthesis Report, with fanfare from the UN Secretary General Antonio Guterres: “The climate time-bomb is ticking but the latest IPCC report shows that we have the knowledge […]
Great Water Reset: The UN & WEF are coming for your water now! ‘Sustainable development’ water dictates – Aim to ‘achieve internationally agreed water-related goals’ By Cheryl K. Chumley – The Washington Times The United Nations is holding its first-in-five-decades conference on water in New York, a gathering that some say could be a “Paris moment” — meaning, the global body could soon do for water what it’s sought to do, via treaty, for climate. Meaning, the United Nations is coming for […]
SEC Staff Consulted With Green Financial Firm Accused Of Selling ‘Fictitious’ Carbon Credits By JOHN HUGH DEMASTRI U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) officials met with representatives of a Swiss climate firm now under fire for allegedly selling “fictitious” carbon credits to discuss climate regulations, according to a Daily Caller News Foundation investigation. Millions of dollars worth of carbon credits issued by the Swiss firm South Pole […]
Green Dictatorship? Netherlands Politicians Answering to the EU instead of Voters – Despite rejection of agriculture policies in recent elections by Eric Worrall h/t Breitbart; The EU sees no reason to allow the Netherlands to change course, despite a resounding rejection of EU agriculture policies during recent elections. BBB and VVD denounce ‘interference’ by Diederik Samsom, who advised the Netherlands to buy out farmers The Netherlands has been advised by Diederik Samsom, who works for the […]
World’s Biggest Seller of Carbon Offsets Accused of Being a Scam By Daniel Greenfield This is a big story that will probably fly under the radar. That’s too bad because it gets at the underlying scammy nature of the climate change movement. Every time a state government or a corporation announces a particular environmental target, most of the time what they mean is that they’re […]
Lawyers Seek To Add Stock Of Lawyer Jokes By Demanding Oil Companies Be Prosecuted For Homicide By William M. Briggs Excerpt: We can only hope it is money lust that drives lawyer Donald Braman and “public citizen” David Arkush in their avowed hatred of oil sellers. For if it is their true conviction that oil companies are ackshually guilty of homicide, then something has gone badly wrong with their thinking. The […]