NJ GOP Sen pushing ‘complete moratorium on ALL offshore wind projects’ – Need to stop hiding behind ‘stopping climate change’ as an excuse to destroy our oceans 


Congressman Jeff Van Drew Profile picture


In order to lay transmission cables, wind companies will have to dredge HUNDREDS of miles of sea floor.

Existing BOEM EIS’s claim this dredging will have the same environmental impact as doing nothing at all.

Does that make sense to anyone? 

Did you also know that BOEM’s OWN EIS admits that offshore wind will HAVE NO impact on climate change and actually INCREASES greenhouse gas emissions? 

These industrial wind grids are being leased right in the middle of some of the Atlantic’s most sensitive environments, historic fishing grounds, and existing maritime transit lanes.

Wind co’s and this admin have ignored nearly every attempt at input from these stakeholders. 

Industrial wind grids also sit right on top of foraging grounds & migration routes for critically endangered North Atlantic right whales.

Despite warnings from THEIR OWN scientists, BOEM and NOAA have ignored the obvious long term impact these projects will have on marine life. 

Wind companies come to contractual power agreements with states YEARS before BOEM begins their EIS process. BOEM uses these contracts as excuses to ignore alternative layout requests from stakeholders.


Offshore wind farms have massive impacts on radar systems used by vessels of all sizes. Despite warnings from our own government and outside groups, BOEM has pushed forward with their approvals.


This also has raises major concerns for our national security. The DoD has ruled much of the East Coast as “Wind Exclusion Zones” due to turbine impacts on our long-range air surveillance systems. Yet, BOEM has pushed ahead. 

The current system in place has allowed offshore wind to move forward too quickly & too recklessly in an attempt to solidify the legacies of green new deal advocates. They hurt the environment, raise energy prices, & will destroy existing industry.

We must fix this process NOW. 

Until these problems are mitigated, I will continue to push for a complete moratorium on ALL offshore wind projects.

There is too much at stake & I will not allow these companies, or this administration, hide behind “stopping climate change” as an excuse to destroy our oceans. 
