Why “97% consensus on climate change” claims are wrong
and seven others here
Here are 8 short clips taken from the talk describing each of the main topics he covered. The clips are as follows:
- Is Dr. Willie Soon in the pay of the fossil fuel industry? (9:28 minutes)
- Did the Smithsonian Institution disown their employee, Dr. Willie Soon? (1:01 minutes)
- Why Greenpeace is looking for a piece of your green (6:10 minutes)
- Why “97% consensus on climate change” claims are wrong (3:29 minutes)
- Are the UN’s IPCC climate reports scientifically objective? (6:52 minutes)
- The “hockey stick” debate: Was there a Medieval Warm Period? (9:21 minutes)
- How much of a role does the Sun play in climate change? (3:33 minutes)
- Are “fact checks” checking facts or checking narratives? (2:47 minutes)