John Kerry gives ‘a huge thanks to the Dem. Rep. of Congo for hosting’ UN climate meeting – Ignores child labor issues in cobalt mining
Thanking the most corrupt government in the world with child labor issues and more. All because John Kerry wants their cobalt. Nice. — Robert Hefner (@RobertHefnerV) October 4, 2022 # Flashback: Green Killers: Congo’s Miners Dying to Feed World’s Hunger for Electric Cars – Exploited by Chinese firms, workers as young as nine risk their lives […]
Shellenberger: Media Lying About Climate & Hurricanes – ‘The media are consciously & deliberately misleading the public’ By Michael Shellenberger Over the last several weeks, many mainstream news media outlets have claimed that hurricanes are becoming more expensive, more frequent, and more intense because of climate change. The Financial Times reported that “hurricane frequency is on the rise.” The New York Times claimed, “strong storms are becoming more common in the Atlantic Ocean.” The […]
No, Climate Change Did Not Cause Hurricane Ian By David Stockman It’s been pretty obvious for a while now that today’s “news” media is not about facts, but consists mainly of spin, narrative and propaganda. Yet if there was ever any doubt, just note the constant calamity-howling of Washington politicians, onsite reporters and TV screen chryrons with respect to Hurricane Ian. In the […]