Top Climate Scientists Slam Global Warming ‘So-Called Evidence’ as ‘Misrepresentation, Exaggeration & Outright Lying’ BY CHRIS MORRISON Two top-level American atmospheric scientists have dismissed the peer review system of current climate science literature as “a joke”. According to Emeritus Professors William Happer and Richard Lindzen, “it is pal review, not peer review”. The two men have had long distinguished careers in physics and atmospheric science. “Climate science is awash with […]

Biologist Dr Jennifer Marohasy explains how Australia’s ‘Net-Zero’ legislation will ‘decimate farming’ by restricting ‘nitrogen fertilizers’ Keeping You in the Loop By Dr Jennifer Marohasy It was back in 2001 when WWF launched its ‘Save the Reef Campaign’ on World Environment Day that I got to watch the roll out of an environment campaign close-up.  The injustice of that campaign that was intended to limit nitrogen fertilizer use by farmers in […]

Biden falsely links Kentucky floods to ‘climate change’ – Reality Check: Floods ‘have not increased in frequency or intensity’ – White House ignores peer-reviewed studies & IPCC & data

E&E News: Biden connected the flooding in Kentucky to his tours of wildfires disasters and burned-out forests. “As you all know,” he said, “we’ve suffered a consequence of climate change: a significant number of other catastrophes around the nation.” White House press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre: “The floods in Kentucky and extreme weather all around the country […]

Watch: World Economic Forum touts China’s efforts ‘to control the weather’ with ‘cloud seeding’ to create ’55 billion tons of artificial rain’ – ‘Weather Modification Department’ # Related:  Biden, Bill Gates & China now seeking to control the weather! Bill Gates’ Savior Complex: Funds Sun-Dimming Plan To Save the Human Race Watch: Morano on Fox and Friends rips efforts to block the sun with geoengineering to stop ‘global warming’   Conspiracy theory… — Pelham (@Resist_05) April 17, 2022

WaPo: Did Senate Dems sell us a bill of goods on climate change too? ‘Questions loom over impact’ BY ED MORRISSEY So what exactly does $369 billion buy us in climate-change impact? “Questions loom,” reads the sub-head at the Washington Post, and for good reason. After Senate Democrats spent the day bragging about passing the biggest package of spending to fight global warming, the Post immediately tried to downplay expectations: A wide range […]