Multiple governments commit to signing ‘WHO pandemic treaty’: A ‘One Health’ approach that would see the WHO ‘take over the health care decisions of nearly every nation on the planet’ By KEEAN BEXTE Multiple governments have committed to signing the WHO global pandemic treaty, which will cede health sovereignty to the World Health Organization. Who is supporting the WHO’s pandemic treaty? On March 30, the World Health Organization published the following list of 25 world leaders who have committed to working together “towards a new international […]

Does Biden’s $5B Electric Vehicle Charging Stations Plan Put Government Totally in Control of Charging Your Car? by Dr. Rich Swier Recently we received a link to a study on all electric vehicle (EV) charging stations (EVSEs) in the San Francisco Bay Area. The study was titled “Reliability of Open Public Electric Vehicle Direct Current Fast Chargers” done by David Rempel, Carleen Cullen, Mary Matteson Bryan and Gustavo Vianna Cezar from the […]

No, Time Magazine, Climate Change is Not Worsening Drought No, Time Magazine, Climate Change is Not Worsening DroughtClimateRealism / by Linnea Lueken / 4d A recent Time magazine article says human-caused climate change is increasing the severity and number of droughts around the world. These claims are false. Drought tracking data show no meaningful trend in severity or frequency of drought globally. Referencing […]

Grid Operators Warn Of Potential Outages in States Closing Coal Plants Grid Operators Warn Of Potential Outages in States Closing Coal PlantsClimateRealism / by Guest Contributor / 3d Guest Post by Kristin Altus Editor’s Note: Fox Business posted a story discussing the dangers of energy shortages and electric power outages people are facing around the country as a result of state governments and the federal […]