Time Mag is Wrong, Climate Change Will Not Make Food Scarce

https://climaterealism.com/2022/05/time-mag-is-wrong-climate-change-will-not-make-food-scarce/ Time Mag is Wrong, Climate Change Will Not Make Food ScarceClimateRealism / by Linnea Lueken / 10d A Time Magazine article ascribes the potential for a major food crisis to two sources: the war in Ukraine and climate change. Concerning the latter claim, Time is simply wrong. While the war in Ukraine and sanctions […]

Grid Operators Warn Of Potential Outages in States Closing Coal Plants

https://climaterealism.com/2022/05/grid-operators-warn-of-potential-outages-in-states-closing-coal-plants/ Grid Operators Warn Of Potential Outages in States Closing Coal PlantsClimateRealism / Guest Post by Kristin Altus Editor’s Note: Fox Business posted a story discussing the dangers of energy shortages and electric power outages people are facing around the country as a result of state governments and the federal government approving, encouraging, and mandating […]

Hooray! Some Scientists Honestly Reporting That Climate Models Run “Too Hot”

https://climaterealism.com/2022/05/hooray-some-scientists-honestly-reporting-that-climate-models-run-too-hot/ Hooray! Some Scientists Honestly Reporting That Climate Models Run “Too Hot”ClimateRealism / by Anthony Watts In a new report, some climate scientists are putting the brakes on future warming and say other researchers should avoid suspect climate models. This research confirms what Climate Realism first reported in August 2021, the climate model Representative Concentration […]