We’re Saved!? Biden Admin: 7 federal agencies announce ‘plans that will activate the entire government to fight climate change’

New: Today, 7 federal agencies are announcing clean energy projects and plans that will activate the entire government to fight climate change, lower energy costs, create good-paying, union jobs, and accelerate America’s clean energy economy.Details here: https://t.co/LoEBLyUX4u — The White House (@WhiteHouse) January 12, 2022 # Flashback: ‘Every agency is a climate agency now’ – […]

Lomborg: Today’s Soaring Energy Prices Are Only the Beginning – ‘Net zero’ plans will cost many trillions

https://www.wsj.com/articles/soaring-energy-prices-only-the-beginning-climate-change-net-zero-renewable-wind-electricity-11641417084 By Bjorn Lomborg Energy prices are soaring, and it’s likely a sign of things to come. The rise can be blamed on a variety of things, including the demand rebound after the lockdowns ended, a drop in renewable electricity output from a lack of wind in Europe during most of 2021, and increasingly costly climate […]