‘BONKERS!’ Watch new Morano Minute: ‘The Jurassic, Holocene, and now….Manchin-cene??!’ Climate activists say Sen. Manchin’s opposition to Biden’s pork-barrel spending will alter Earth’s geologic record!

The Jurassic, Holocene, and now….Manchin-cene?? Climate activists say Manchin's opposition to Biden's climate bill will be so harmful you'll be able to see the effects on Earth's geologic record. Watch the new Morano Minute here! @ClimateDepothttps://t.co/toyqGPmXOK — CFACT (@CFACT) December 2, 2021 https://www.cfact.org/2021/12/02/climate-activists-say-sen-manchin-will-change-earths-geologic-record-watch-new-morano-minute/ Climate activists say Sen. Manchin will change Earth’s geologic record – Watch […]