UN climate summit COP 26: Trillions for ‘largest shakedown of financial industry in history’

https://www.cfact.org/2021/11/04/cop-26-trillions-for-tribute-cfact-defends/ We found out yesterday at COP 26 what John Kerry meant when he pledged “trillions” of dollars to the UN climate regime. He meant not only direct spending of tax money, but also the largest shakedown of the financial industry in history.  That’s right, the bureaucrats at COP 26 are pushing the people who […]

CNBC: Private Jets? Multiple Mansions? Mega-yachts? Not to worry! Billionaires like Bill Gates & Jeff Bezos ‘buy carbon offsets’

https://www.cnbc.com/2021/11/05/why-bill-gates-and-jeff-bezos-buy-carbon-offsets-how-they-work.html?utm_term=Autofeed&utm_medium=Social&utm_content=Intl&utm_source=Twitter#Echobox=1636117582 Why billionaires like Bill Gates and Jeff Bezos buy carbon offsets — and how they work By Tom Huddleston Jr. It’s a common refrain: A billionaire loudly promotes potential solutions for climate change while jetting around the world, leaving a sizable carbon footprint. This week, it happened twice. First, Microsoft co-founder Bill Gates — […]