Get ready for a ‘carbon monitoring credit card’ By JAZZ SHAW If you’re one of those people who enjoys scolding others over their “carbon footprint” all the time, it’s easy enough to monitor the news and call out people who are acting in an insufficiently woke fashion. But what about yourself? Do you ever sit and wonder if perhaps you’re causing […]

The Gratuitous Global Warming Alarmism In the movie ‘Reminiscence’ By Aaron Brown The sci-fi noir movie Reminiscence will likely be remembered mainly for having the worst opening all time for a major studio release, but what I found most interesting is the gratuitous alarmism. The movie is nowhere near as bad as the reviews and box office suggest—it suffered from having a simultaneous release on […]

WSJ: Europe’s Climate Lesson for America: As wind power flags, energy prices are soaring amid fuel shortages. By The Editorial Board Energy prices are soaring in Europe, and the effects are rippling across the Atlantic. Blame anti-carbon policies of the kind that the Biden Administration wants to impose in the U.S. Electricity prices in the U.K. this week jumped to a record £354 ($490) per megawatt hour, a 700% increase […]

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