Global warming solved! NY state to ban the sale of new gas cars and trucks by 2035 METRO NY state to ban the sale of new gas-powered cars and trucks by 2035 By Paula FroelichSeptember 11, 2021 5:19pm Updated New Yorkers will not be able to purchase new gas-powered vehicles by 2035.Gregory P. Mango Gas guzzlers, be gone! Say goodbye to your beloved pickup truck. Legislation recently signed by Governor Kathy Hochul bans the […]
Hello blackouts! ‘The majority of the planet’s fossil fuel reserves must stay in the ground’ to meet ‘climate targets’ Abandoning 60% of global oil might limit warming to 1.5 C The majority of the planet’s fossil fuel reserves must stay in the ground if the world wants even half a chance — literally — at meeting its most ambitious climate targets. A new study published yesterday in the journal Nature found that 60 percent of oil and […]
‘Hey a**holes’: Warmist Andrew Dessler reveals what he wished UN IPCC report said: ‘We’ve been telling you for decades that this was going to happen…you f*cking morons’ Andrew Dessler vs. The ‘a–hole’ World By Robert Bradley Jr. — August 25, 2021 “Hey assholes. We’ve been telling you for decades that this was going to happen if we didn’t reduce greenhouse gas emissions. You didn’t listen and now it’s all happening. We hope you’re happy. Enjoy the heatwaves, intense rainfall, sea […]
Bjorn Lomborg: ‘Higher incomes safeguard people *more* from climate’ – ‘Richer means mostly safer’ – ‘Relative weather costs decreasing globally’
Higher incomes safeguard people *more* from climate: Richer means mostly safer Relative weather costs decreasing globally Relative hurricane costs decline from 0.04% of global GDP today, to 0.02% in 2100 with climate impacts — Bjorn Lomborg (@BjornLomborg) September 2, 2021
New York Times urges a stop to a changing climate! Claims ‘it is impossible to guarantee safety of people so long as the climate continues to change’
The power of magical thinking:"impossible to guarantee safety of people so long as the climate continues to change" The implicit claim — that it is possible to guarantee safety from hurricanes without climate change — is patently false — Bjorn Lomborg (@BjornLomborg) September 2, 2021
Lomborg: U.S. landfalling hurricane frequency has declined slightly since 1900 By Bjorn Lomborg Hurricane Ida Isn’t the Whole Story on Climate Listen to article Length3 minutes Queue Editor’s note: As November’s global climate conference in Glasgow draws near, important facts about climate change don’t always make it into the dominant media coverage. We’re here to help. Each week contributor Bjorn Lomborg will provide some […]