CRAZY: CBS Blames Climate Change for Resurrected Taliban, After Blaming Opium in 2015 By Joseph Vazquez CBS News just proved how far down the whirlpool of nonsense it’s willing to go. The outlet actually blamed climate change for Afghanistan’s terrorism outbreak following President Joe Biden’s massive foreign policy failure.   CBS News climate and energy reporter Cara Korte wrote an absurd story headlined: “How climate change helped strengthen the Taliban.” […]

Newsweek Headline Celebrates Taliban Vow to ‘Fight Terror and Climate Change’ & Seek ‘World Recognition’ By Joseph Vazquez Has Newsweek lost its mind? The outlet published an insane article giving the Taliban praise for promising to fight “terror” and “climate change” in order to gain legitimacy in world politics. The magazine’s headline read like a Babylon Bee joke: “Seeking World Recognition, Taliban Vows to Help Fight Terror and Climate Change.” Newsweek Senior […]

Physicist: The Sun’s Role in Climate Change Been Trivialized By Physicist Dr. Ralph Alexander Central to the narrative that climate change comes largely from human emissions of greenhouse gases is the assertion that the sun plays almost no role at all. According to its Fifth Assessment Report, the IPCC (Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change) attributes no more than a few percent of […]

PRINCETON PHYSICIST WILLIAM HAPPER: ‘THERE IS NO CLIMATE EMERGENCY’ – ‘DOUBLING CO2 MAKES NO DIFFERENCE By CAP ALLON William Happer is an American physicist with over 200 published peer-reviews scientific papers. He is the Cyrus Fogg Brackett Professor of Physics, Emeritus, at Princeton University, and has also worked for the U.S. government on two separate occasions: the first was between 1991-1993, where he served as Director of Energy […]

So much for ‘climate justice’: Powering Down the Developing World over global warming fears By Joel Kotkin & Hugo Kruger The Covid-19 pandemic has been particularly cruel to the developing world, with Africa, Latin America, and South Asia all epicenters of high fatalities. But something worse may be on the way – this time not from viruses but good intentions, bolstered by often-unrealistic climate projections, which threaten […]